วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Refinancing - How to Do it

Once you’ve decided to refinance your mortgage, how should you go about it? The costs for taking out a new mortgage vary widely and if you’re not careful it’s very easy to pay too much. Here are several tips to help save you money when refinancing your mortgage loan.

People are often full of advice when it comes to refinancing your mortgage. Shop till you drop they tell you, compare loan offers and find the one with the lowest interest rate. While this is good advice, unless you know how to avoid retail markup of your mortgage interest rate you will not get the lowest mortgage rate.

What is retail markup? The technical term is “Yield Spread Premium” and is simply the markup of your mortgage interest rate by the loan originator to boost their commission. It doesn’t matter who the loan originator is, be it a mortgage broker, Internet lender, or mom and pop mortgage company, they all markup mortgage interest rates. They do this because the wholesale lender they represent pays them a bonus of one percent of your loan amount for each quarter point you agree to overpay.

Mortgage companies and brokers are not exempt from disclosing their markup; however, it is frequently buried in your Good Faith Estimate and HUD statement. How can you avoid paying Yield Spread Premium? Tell your mortgage representative that you understand Yield Spread Premium and will not tolerate it with your loan. Ask to see the rate sheet from the wholesale lender that approved your loan and compare it to your rate lock. You can learn more about refinancing your mortgage while avoiding unnecessary markup with a free mortgage tutorial.

To get your FREE six-part Mortgage Refinancing Tutorial, visit RefiAdvisor.com using the link below.

Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid costly mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. To get your hands on this free video tutorial: "Mortgage Refinancing - What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies for finding the best mortgage and saving thousands of dollars in the process, visit Refiadvisor.com.

Claim your free mortgage refinancing tutorial today at: http://www.refiadvisor.com

Mortgage Spread Premium

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วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Protection Insurance Leads... Easy Sales, But Are They Profitable?

Is there an easier sale than the mortgage protection sale? I don’t think so and the reason is because of the perceived need on the part of the prospect. The prospect knows the amount of the mortgage and it becomes a need that needs to be protected. It is just as simple as that, perceived need.

As an agent I want to gather all the clients I can without out burdening myself with huge service issues and the mortgage market provides just such a opportunity.

As a business person if I were to assess the dynamics of the mortgage protection market it would appear to a mistake because the amount of compensation is low. If it were only based on that factor I would have to agree. A significant amount of work goes in to the mortgage protection sale all the way from the lead generation to the overhead costs to the general cost of being in business. So what is the reason for this type of sale? Why would I want to work in this market? It is not for the mortgage protection sale, it is for the ancillary sale.

Once a prospect has and understands a perceived need then the opportunity exists for an expansion of the relationship. It can be expanded into many other segments of their financial world.

The difficulty lies in how to expand the relationship and that is where the art meets the salesmanship. To be different than other agents requires you to think differently. Thinking differently means thinking beyond the transaction sale, thinking of the relationship not as a transaction but as an evolution to a client/counselor relationship. The tool of choice is a fact fining process that expands your understanding of the client’s needs and goals. Any solid fact finder will help you understand how a client feels and how your products can increase the quality of their life.

Transactions are extremely limiting and are very unproductive for the professional salesperson. The opposite is true; relationship sales will provide a greater opportunity to enjoy future sales and to grow a list of quality referrals.

Bill Broich is thirty year annuity salesman who helps agents generate leads and sales. To discover more visit his website: Mortgage Protection Insurance Leads

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Advisers Making Situation Worse

For those looking to buy their first home the whole idea of getting a mortgage is already a tremendous up hill struggle. There are less attractive mortgage products than there used to be and even less money available to borrow. If you do not have the means to save up for a deposit then you will be faced with a higher price and lower chance of managing to get a mortgage anyway.

During this time when the mortgage market is as confusing as it is, it may be hard to hear that there has been a study by one of the countries leading review businesses that has resulted in a hard to swallow realisation - the general mortgage advisor in the high street is not doing their job properly, or at least, not giving you the advice you need!

In the study it was revealed that a feeble four out of fifty advisers that it approached actually did what they where legally required to do. The company took on some undercover researchers, who posed as a young couple looking to buy their first home, and then they went to speak to a wide range of banks, building societies, independent mortgage advisers and estate agents.

The results and responses they got from the advisers where hardly reassuring. As the report stated, the general basis of a mortgage advisor is to supply tailored and sensible advice to all customers, regardless of who they are. What they found was that the majority of those spoken to seemed more concerned with getting their customers to take out an insurance deal as well as the mortgage. Two thirds of the advisors actually pushed for information from the researchers to "get a quote on a mortgage guarantee" or similar. Apparently hardly any of the bolt on products where suitable at all.

Out of the over all fifty, a staggering forty one of the advisers did not provide all of the details that the regulations legally require. This includes giving them documents such as the Initial Disclosure Documents and a Key Facts Illustration. They also need to make sure you know when they are giving "information only" or advice.

Even more shockingly - thirty five of the advisers did not even check properly if the mortgage the actors applied for was actually going to be possible for them to afford. The last thing anybody needs in this financial storm is an un-payable mortgage.

The sad fact is that many of the businesses that aid those struggling with mortgage re payments and other financial troubles can see plainly that the advice and mortgage product itself that has been given to the clients is highly unsuitable and little or no time has been given to the customers.

A very strong vibe of a "one suits all" attitude is being suggested by the patterns revealed by this study.

When looking for a mortgage Mortgages be sure to compare online and be aware of the deals available. You can choose anything from a remortgage. to offset mortgages.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Refinancing Tips

Lack of proper information has caused a lot of headaches in so many individuals when dealing with mortgage refinancing. There are certain tips you need to hold at your finger tips that will guarantee you success in mortgage refinancing. This most of the times appears because the opportunity that appears through mortgage refinancing is highly needed or because the benefits obtained outweigh the need of making it better in one's mind. You need to understand that costs and fees can be cut further when securing different types of loans with various techniques and knowledge. In this article, I will show you some mortgage refinancing tips that people don't always think about when refinancing their mortgage.

First of all, active credit card accounts hold a negative impact on your credit score. Anytime you want to start mortgage refinancing, your credit score is the most important factor that will determine the amount of money you can receive and the interest rates you need to pay. When you let your credit card companies know that you want to close the account, you will immediately see a change in your credit score.

Secondly, check your credit report after one month in order to see that the "closed at customer's request" line is mentioned as a comment, then let your mortgage refinancing companies know that the credit line was closed on your personal request you will get much more credibility from that company. Mistakes are also possible in your credit report and they might impact your credit score in a negative way. It is a good idea to check everything in order to avoid such a problem at last. These two red hot tips simple mortgage refinancing tips are the ones that will have the biggest impact on your loan possibilities from the mortgage refinancing companies.

Not getting involved in private mortgage insurance is also a good idea. It will surface when you are borrowing more than 80 percent of the value of your home. You can stop this by investing in various home improvements or by simply paying off credit cards from the company. Also, paying points in order to obtain lower interest rates is a very good mortgage refinancing tip that can help you if you plan to live in your home for several years from now.

Two more mortgage refinancing tips that are less known are linked with short term loans and different fees involved. When applying for a short term mortgage you will be receiving a lower interest rate than when compared with long term mortgages. This means that you will be able to gain money but it also translates in the fact that your monthly payment will be higher. On the other hand, such a move will save you thousands of dollars in extra interests paid. Also, when dealing with mortgage refinancing you might be faced with different fees attached to regular mortgage loans. The law requires lenders to let the borrower know of all fees in the first three days after the application has been filed. You need to pay attention to the terms used because these hidden fees will be featured with various names like courier fees or administrative fees. Be sure to understand in what circumstances they are triggered in order to not have problems in the future with mortgage refinancing again.

When you grasp these simple mortgage refinancing tips you will immediately notice different gains possible and you will end up by saving money that could have been lost. A lot of people avoid them because of lack of interest while others are simply not aware of these simple facts linked with mortgage refinancing at all. In order to be successful in this world, you need to pay attention to details and staying informed is very important to your success. Information is the key to success in various fields of endeavor and also a very important factor when talking about mortgage refinancing tips.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Loans and Mortgage Refinancing in 2007

What’s happened in the mortgage industry? Can you still get a new home mortgage or refinance your existing home mortgage? Why is all the news about the mortgage industry such doom and gloom?

Well, let’s take a look at all this more closely. Before the resent sub-prime fall out a buyer with a credit score of 580 and a somewhat poor credit history could get 100% conventional loan financing on a new home. The sub-prime lender was willing to take a chance on the buyer because they would be collecting a much higher interest rate on the buyer who had the lower credit rating. Often times the seller would either pay all of the closing costs or it would be rolled into their loan. Therefore, the buyer was able to move into a home with little or no money out of pocket.

A number of these buyers were only able to get approval for an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). This meant that their rates and house payments would go up in one, two or three years, depending on the ARM program for which they had gotten approval.

The mortgage lenders would instruct these buyers to be sure and make their payments on time which would definitely improve their credit scores and then they would be able to refinance and get a better fixed rate mortgage before their ARM rate would adjust upward for the first time.

Loans for buyers in this category were considered sub-prime loans. For some lenders their total portfolio of loans was made up of sub-prime borrowers.

So what happened? The percentages didn’t work out. Not enough of these sub-prime borrowers were able to meet the commitment of their new house payments which eventually lead to foreclosure. Some of the borrowers where able to keep their payments made, but not on time. So with the late payments their credit scores did not improve as they had hoped. Therefore, they were not able to refinance before their ARM rate adjusted and their payments when up. At that point, these borrowers also went into default.

Simply too many of the sub-prime borrowers went into default for those lenders whose total portfolio was in the sub-prime market. Therefore, a number of these type lenders were forced to close their doors.

That is not to say that a large percentage of these sub-prime borrowers did not and are not currently making their payments on time and proving that they were worth the chance that the lender took on them. It is just that a large enough percentage of them did not and the lenders were forced to have too many foreclosures on their books at one time in order to still make a profit and stay in business.

As a result the bar has been raised for the buyer wishing to get a new mortgage loan today. Lenders now want a little more proof that a buyer is truly taking solid steps to rebuild their credit worthiness. Today a borrower generally needs a credit score of 620 to get a one hundred percent conventional loan on a new home purchase. In addition, their whole credit history is scrutinized more thoroughly by the lender.

This has impacted the real estate market because a pool of buyers that were once available have now reverted to renters. If sellers can’t find buyers, then they can’t become buyers themselves as they want to upgrade.

For people who have always had good credit very little has changed. Those people just need to go about business as usual. But, as we said they may have problems selling their current home because of the reduced size of the buyer pool.

For those who have previously had some credit problems and really want to buy a house you just need to take steps to improve your credit score and you too can still have a home mortgage loan.

If you are sincere, you can fairly easily improve your credit worthiness. Start by simply reviewing your credit report. There may be items on the report that have been paid but not reported properly to the credit bureaus. There may be items that are not even yours, especially if you are a Jr. or Sr. Some items may belong to your son or father that may be negatively impacting your credit score. Your credit report should not be a mystery to you.

There is a large segment of the population that falls in the borderline credit worthiness range. A lot of these buyers are still worthy of home ownership. At this point in the mortgage loan industry buyers either have to improve their credit scores
and credit history or the mortgage loan industry has to find a way to still accommodate people who have little down payment money but can still make a monthly house payment.

The author is a mortgage loan officer and sees first hand the mortgage loan situation from both the buyer’s and the lender’s viewpoint.

If you would like some mortgage tips for buying a new home or refinancing an existing home visit: : New Mortgage Loans and Refinance Mortgage Loan Tips

If you would like to improve your credit scores so you can get a new home mortgage loan or refinance an existing home mortgage visit: Improve Credit Score

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage insurance’ is a term that you will surely come across if you are going for a mortgage loan. Let’s get straight into finding out what this term (‘Mortgage insurance’) means.

Mortgage insurance is a great tool for both the borrower and the mortgage lender. By definition, mortgage insurance provides protection to the mortgage lender in case the borrower defaults on the mortgage. Mortgage insurance covers the loss that a mortgage lender can incur in such a circumstance. So besides taking title to property, the mortgage lender is also protected against loss by mortgage insurance. The premium of this mortgage insurance is obviously paid by the borrower and there are different ways in which the borrower can pay this mortgage insurance premium e.g. one way is to include it as part of the monthly mortgage payments that are made to the mortgage lender (who in turn passes on the amount to the mortgage insurer).

However, how does mortgage insurance provide benefit to the borrower?

Since mortgage is a big financial transaction, the mortgage lenders need to safeguard their interests in all possible way. So, mortgage lenders require the borrower to demonstrate their commitment to the investment. One way of showing this commitment (and the ability to pay monthly mortgage payments) is to make a down payment. The mortgage lenders generally ask for a down payment of around 20%. However, if the borrower goes for mortgage insurance, the down payment amount may be significantly reduced by the mortgage lender. So, a borrower might be required to pay only 5% or 10% as mortgage down payment instead of the mandated 20% or whatever. This means that mortgage insurance is especially good for people who don’t have enough cash to make large down payments (as such 20% is quite a big amount in itself). Such people can save on cash by going for mortgage insurance. Moreover, since mortgage insurance provides a lot of confidence to the mortgage lenders (in terms of their investment being safe), the processing of your mortgage application could be faster and smoother than what it would have been without mortgage insurance commitment. So not only does mortgage insurance increase the buying power of a borrower it also provides him/her with benefits in terms of getting a good mortgage deal and getting it faster.

So, mortgage insurance is really advantageous both for the borrower and mortgage lender and the onus lies on the borrower to hunt for a good deal on mortgage insurance and also on the mortgage itself.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Rates at 1.5% in This US Recession Are Your Best Investment For 2009

Mortgage rates are always fluctuating but when they get to historical lows as they are now, you need to protect your investments and position yourself to be a big winner for better times that are coming.

When mortgage rates are this low, you can buy for less and finance for less. This is a win-win situation you don't want to pass up. Even refinancing your mortgage is a smart move.

If you currently have a mortgage interest rate of 6 1/2% or higher, refinance now, to give yourself the breathing room during this recession for cash flow and smarter interest rates. You have so many option to come out ahead if you make your mortgage rates work for you.

Refinancing can do several things to protect your investments. You can use the refinancing to move the credit card debt you have into a first mortgage and make the total debt a tax deductible tool or use the cash out option to invest in a down market. Either way, you need to act now.

The 1 1/2% mortgage rates I am talking about are in a 3-2-1 buy-down. It's a fixed rate 30 year mortgage with the first year interest rate at 1 1/2%, the second year is at 2 1/2% interest, and the third year is a 3 1/2% with the fourth through the 30th year at 4 1 1/2%. Who could not find that attractive?

The real winners in any recession are those who can see beyond the gloom and doom, to know that when the markets rebound, and they will, having yourself positioned to be better off financially, is a smart way to safeguard and improve your investments.

Many people are lead by the broad view of the economy and allow fear to be the biggest factor in their investments. Playing your investments, whether it's mortgage rates, refinancing, or the stock market itself, should be done with a wider vision of time, rather than the immediate or current economic situation. Investments by definition, is for projected outcome, not using slot machine logic.

Many new home builders who are currently over stocked, or are pinched financially, due to their need for cash flow, are offering to assist home buyers with great mortgage rate assistance. Take advantage of a gift horse when others are saying, nay.

If you are in a position to sell your property now, using the logic of assisting home buyers with mortgage rate assistance in order to make your property sale the one that stands out, is an excellent sales approach. Real estate agents with a good working relationship with mortgage lenders can make the difference in getting your house sold.

Think about this option. You have 30 to 40 thousand dollars in equity, you have credit card debt outstanding, and you have a car payment or two, selling your home now, then using your equity to pay off outstanding debt you have and taking advantage of the low, low, interest rates on a new home could have you paying less per month and having all your debt in a tax deductible position. You have to think smart about your money and how to use it.

Do not let selling your home during a recession deter you from following through with your goal of moving up to a new home or even a larger home. Make the mortgage rates and the financing tools available, work for you and your best investment for 2009 may be in buying or selling real estate.

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วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Reverse Mortgage Pros and Cons

A reverse mortgage is a new type of mortgage available to senior citizens who have a good amount of equity in their home. Since it works different than a traditional mortgage, it's a good idea to learn about the reverse mortgage pros and cons.

There are many advantages to a reverse mortgage. For example, it allows homeowners to stay in their homes without having to make any monthly payments. In addition, they can receive monthly payments that work as a second income.

This works great for some senior citizens because it allows them to compensate for the loss of earnings. It gives them the chance to maintain their lifestyle by taking advantage of the hard work they have done throughout their lives.

There are also some disadvantages associated with a reverse mortgage. For example, the rates are usually variable, it's a more expensive solution and you or your heirs are potentially left with very little equity. Depending on your particular situation, these disadvantages may be very important or meaningless.

Since a reverse mortgage is a more expensive solution, you may consider other options to a reverse mortgage. You can choose to refinance or to sell the home. For some seniors this is not an option because they want to stay in their homes and don't want to make any monthly payments.

Also, since you are using the equity in the home, you'll have less money available to you and your heirs. This may be important depending with your particular family situation. If you are counting on the value of the home to leave money for your children, then a reverse mortgage is obviously not an alternative.

However, if you decide that it's more important for you to enjoy these years of your life then a reverse mortgage may be the right choice. In most cases, children understand that parents want to enjoy their senior years in as much comfort as possible. In addition, by having this extra income, your heirs don't have to finance you or your medical and insurance expenses.

Of course, since getting a reverse mortgage is an important decision, you may want to learn about the reverse mortgage pros and cons. It can help you make an educated decision based on the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage and your particular needs. By combining both in the analysis, you can choose the right decision for you.

If you want to learn more about the reverse mortgage pros and cons, you can visit our reverse mortgage page.

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วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Reconstruction 2009 - The Time For New Mortgage Laws

As of Monday July 14th, 2008, the government has passed new laws which cause a decent amount of change within the mortgage industry and how these companies give out loans to homeowners. Even though they were passed on Monday, these rules wont take effect until October 2009 to give time for companies to transition to the new set of standards.

The concept being birthed in 2007, was in response to the treatment homeowners were facing from mortgage companies and to the foreclosure crisis that took place. It has been stated that the basis for these new rules are to protect future home buyers from mortgage companies.

The Foreclosure Crisis
Within the late 2006, the housing industry felt a large blow when a mass amount of foreclosures occurred due to rates on mortgages and also because of the fact that many of the new loans were made to individuals with either bad credit or too low of an income.

Experts believe that the basis for so many of these home loans being in place was the fact that many homeowners thought they could reap benefits when refinancing later on. Even though, their ideology failed because with the interest rates reset higher, refinancing was hard to come by which led to approximately a million foreclosures.

Mortgage lenders, banks and other financial institutions felt the impact dramatically reporting 100's of billion dollars in losses. Not only was the housing industry devastated, but the US economy in a whole was also rocked by the housing crisis. These issues led to the US Federal Reserve cutting down interest rates and to the creation of the economic stimulus package which was passed by the government in 2008 to help offset debt and to spur on economic growth and instill belief in the US economy.

The Economic Stimulus Package
The Economic Stimulus Package of 2008 was passed in order to restore good faith within the economy. Its main purpose was to provide assistance to low and middle income citizens. From the economic stimulus package, all recipients were set to receive at least $300 and an extra $300 per dependent under the age of 17. The maximum pay that a person would receive would be no more that $600. Any individuals with an annual income over $75,000 would not receive any monetary funds except for those who had qualifying children.

In addition to citizens, the law also applied to businesses offered them certain tax incentives. Those include tax deductions on eqiupment meant to improve ones business and an increase in how much a business can deduct in business expenses.

In an article by James Temple from SF Gate he lists several key changes in mortgage practices that was just passed on Monday.

General Mortgage Rules:
- Prohibit creditors and mortgage brokers from coercing appraisers into misstating a home's value.
- Require additional information about rates, monthly payments and other loan features in all advertising.
- Ban seven deceptive or misleading advertising practices, including calling a rate or payment "fixed" when it can change.

Lending Rules For Higher Priced Subprime Loans:
- Force lenders to consider a borrower's ability to repay loans from income and assets other than the home's value.
- Require lenders to document a borrower's income and assets.
- Ban penalties for borrowers who pay off loans early, if the payment can change in the first four years. In certain cases, a prepayment penalty period can't exceed two years.
- Mandate that creditors ensure certain borrowers set aside money to pay for property taxes and insurance, by establishing escrow accounts.

In reference to the new mortgage rules, many claim that these rules will assist many homeowners and aspiring homeowners from companies that prey on them to make a profit despite the views on their practices are questionable. Yet with this belief intact, many individuals still hold firm in their opinion that these rules are just a tip of the iceberg and much more needs to be done within the housing industry and in relation to some of the illegal practices carried on by some of the lending companies.

This article is provided by Ferdie Frederic for S-Proprietor.com, The Entrepreneurs Online Blog. If you are interested in more articles and information please visit our site at http://www.s-proprietor.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How Long Will Mortgage Rates Be Low?

In an effort to keep people in their homes and encourage more home purchases, the Federal Reserve's actions to reduce interest rates have been a success. Many homeowners have taken advantage of low rates and have purchased homes or refinanced their current mortgage. However, prospective homeowners who have not taken advantage of the savings should consider acting soon because many industry analysts say the low interest rates may soon end.

Mortgage rates have seen an astounding drop to as low as 4.5 percent after President Obama's mortgage refinance stimulus plan was announced as well as the Federal Reserve announcement last November about their plan "to buy as much as $500 billion of securities backed by Fannie Mae (FNM.P), Freddie Mac (FRE.P) and Ginnie Mae." Mortgage experts are now warning that the low interest rates for mortgages are not going to last. Celia Chen, senior director of housing economics at Moody's Economy.com in West Chester, Pennsylvania says, "The downward trend we have seen in mortgage rates will not last beyond the first half of this year." She continued to say, "By then, the Federal Reserve's program will have run its course and other issues will move to the forefront that could push mortgage rates higher." Chen also said, "By the first quarter of 2010, rates should be at 5.87 percent."

The reasons the interest rates will start to increase include an increase in government debt and a positive outlook that the economy is beginning to rebound. This may be the perfect time to secure a mortgage or refinance an existing mortgage because as the economy begins to recover, interest rates will begin to rise.  For instance, economic analysts have recently reported that "last year, the yield on the 10-year treasury was only about 2%. Recently, there has been an increase to over 3.5%." The result will be that interest rates on loans and mortgages will start increasing again. As well, 30-year loan rates have seen a jump. Recently, the average interest rate rose to 5.27%. This is up from about 4.75%.

Greg McBride, senior financial analyst at Bankrate, Inc, in North Palm Beach, Florida, says, "Expectations of a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage at 4.50 percent are too ambitious. Inflation worries may begin to spook investors and that could send Treasury yields higher, which would cause a corresponding move in higher mortgage rates."

Cameron Findlay, chief economist at online loan broker LendingTree.com in Charlotte, North Carolina, says "mortgage rates at 4.50 percent remained possible, but not probable." As well, Moody's Economy.com has forecasted interest rates at "4.5% by mid 2009 after dipping to a low of 4.37% in the second quarter. In the third and fourth quarter, rates are expected to rise to 4.57% and 5.18 %."

If the increase in rates continues, people who are considering refinancing an existing mortgage, buying a new home, or selling their new home, may miss out on a great deal if they wait too long.  This may be the best time to lock into a low interest rate mortgage.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Government Mortgage Relief Plan

Nationwide news channels are filled with reports on the Obama stimulus plan and focused mostly on the 75 billion allocated by Obama's administration for Mortgage Relief. Obama's plan focuses on keeping up to 9 million people from foreclosure. Helping these homeowners avoid foreclosure is vital to stabilizing home prices and ultimately the economy.

The plan is pretty simple, give incentives to mortgage lenders for getting out of their seat and helping homeowners facing foreclosure. Something they should of done a long time ago. Many homeowners facing foreclosure have become drenched in debt, their debt to income ratio has far exceeded the guidelines for getting a mortgage in the first place. This can be attributed to predatory lending at which time the loan was originated, however; most homeowners are dealing with lower income due to job loss. Mortgage payments are typically the bulk of a homeowners debt.

Obama's plan focuses on cutting mortgage payments to acceptable levels, which they have designated as 31% of the homeowners total income.

The other part of the plan would help homeowners which have a mortgage owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Homeowners that are upside down on their mortgage, owing more than their home is worth, can refinance with a special program. Normally equity or LTV (Loan to Value) is a major factor in refinancing. The bank or lender is willing to take more of a risk if you have equity in your home. They believe homeowners are going to fight tooth and nail to keep their mortgage if it has 15-20% equity. Homeowners that are upside down on their mortgage currently have no options for refinancing into a lower mortgage rate. Their mortgage rates in many cases have adjusted and they are stuck with an inflated mortgage payment and declining home values. Removing these restrictions is estimated to help up to 5 million homeowners reduce their mortgage payments.

Keeping mortgage rates low for homeowners that can refinance and new homebuyers is key to stimulating the economy and keeping banks afloat. Mortgage rates may be reduced another .5 percent to a new historic low of 4% for a 30 year fixed mortgage. Overall the mortgage relief plan is solid, but it is not very clear how deep this crisis runs. The government has funneled billions of dollars into banks such as Bank of America, but they know little about the damage done to their balance sheets. From the sign of the banks declining market value and need for more bailout money it is safe to say the government may be in for a big surprise when they get a in depth look into the banks they have been assisting.

Waiting on mortgage relief for foreclosure relief from the government is not something recommended by most in the financial industry. If you are struggling paying your mortgage now you should see foreclosure help immediately.

Chris Timmons
Mortgage Modification Legal Network

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Brokers - Choosing The Right One

Alright, you're finally ready to purchase your new home, refinance your current mortgage or refinance your commercial property. How do you go about finding the right broker? First of all you want to find an honest broker. How do you know if they are honest? Well, on this one you are going to have to go by your gut instinct. Does he seem like a slick willy or someone that explains everything in detail and doesn't mind if you have questions? Does he answer your questions completely or does he seem to hem & haw and never really answer the question that you asked?

Is he a licensed mortgage broker? Being licensed means that they have been tested on their knowledge of mortgages by the state and have passed the state exam. They have also had their background checked out. In most states they will also have had to complete and pass mortgage broker classroom instruction to even be able to take the state exam. If they are licensed you know they at least have knowledge of mortgages even if they are just starting out in the business. Although these days there are more mortgage brokers getting out of the business than coming in.

If the mortgage broker is licensed you may also check with the state that they are licensed in to see if their license is still valid and to see if they have had any complaints filed against them. By checking with the state licensing department you will also be able to see if they have ever been disciplined by the state. If they are not licensed by the state or have been disciplined by the state you should look for another broker.

Ask the mortgage broker what banks they are approved with. Keep in mind that the more brand names they are approved with the better because the major banks and lenders go through a stringent approval process and applicants with shady histories or even poor credit are not usually approved. Whereas the smaller lenders are more likely to approve applicants without checking much of their background. This is true even if the broker you are looking at isn't the owner of the company. If a mortgage company isn't approved with some brand name banks they have something in their past keeping them from being approved.

Are they offering something that sounds to good to be true? If so, it probably is. If you've talked to several mortgage brokers and they have all quoted basically the same thing and then you have a broker that is offering you the world you should again run the other way. There are brokers out there that still work off of the old switch and bait. They offer you something great upfront but once it is time to close the loan the rate or terms have changed. If this happens you should walk away and find another broker. Keep in mind on an owner occupied refinance you still have 3 full business days to change your mind once you sign the final paperwork at the closing. If it is a purchase or is an investment property refinance your loan will fund the same day so make sure you understand the paperwork you sign.

If the mortgage broker tells you not to make your mortgage payment that month because you are going to close your loan I would suggest that you put the money away in case you need to make the mortgage payment because the loan doesn't close on time. Don't spend it. If you hold onto the mortgage payment money you won't have to worry if the loan doesn't close by the end of the month. You can just call your current mortgage company and make the payment over the phone or online. You do not want any 30 day lates on your credit report. I have heard horror story after horror story on this one, so please heed my advice.

Check with the better business bureau where the broker is located to check for any complaints. Again any complaints that have not been resolved should be a red flag and look for another mortgage broker.

You may also research their name online. A lot of times if a client is unhappy with a mortgage broker or company they can post their complaint online at a website that is set up just for consumer complaints. Most of these sites offer the person or company that the complaint is filed against to provide a response so it isn't one sided. Check with your friends and neighbors too as they may have used someone that they were happy with in the past. Again, they may also be able to tell you what brokers to stay away from too.

In closing, your best bet is your gut instinct but please use the other resources that I've mentioned so that you can have a great mortgage experience. Remember, don't be pressured into anything. If the broker is talking fast and not providing concrete answers look for another mortgage broker.

Sandra Sheely is President of First Financial Mortgage, Inc. in Sunrise, FL. She has been in the Real Estate Industry for 12 years with experience in the mortgage industry and title industry. She has a couple of Mortgage websites. http://www.ffinancialmortgage.com and http://www.lowestraterefi.com She writes a mortgage blog on her mortgage websites. She has a credit repair website at http://firstfinancial.fixcreditbiz.com/

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage After a Short Sale

Getting a mortgage after a short sale can seem like a waste of time. However do not despair if you take the right action it is perfectly possible to get a mortgage after going through a short sale. In this article I will explain just how to do this and make sure you not only get the home loan you want but also get the best possible deal.

With house prices crashing as a result of the so called sub prime crisis short selling is becoming more popular. It basically describes the act of selling a property for less than the mortgage for the property. This can be a great way to avoid foreclosure of your property.

If you have short sold you property you may think that getting another mortgage will be either impossible or suicidal. In fact neither of these statements is true. Short selling is of course damaging to your credit score however the sooner you act to fix this the better for your long term finances.

Getting a mortgage and paying it off is still one of the best ways to improve your credit score in the long term, allowing you to have the financial freedom that we all desire. Short selling a property need not stop you from owning your own home. With more and more pressure being put on finance companies to provide affordable mortgages on simple terms the odds of you getting a sensible mortgage are much higher than they were just a few months ago.

If you would like some more detailed information about getting a mortgage after short sale just follow this link.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance - Advice and Help

Most likely, your home will be the most expensive thing you ever own in your life. It is only normal that you would do anything in your power to keep it. However, home ownership can be a financial nightmare, but that can change with mortgage refinancing. Getting a more affordable monthly mortgage payment will help you keep your home, and strengthen your finances.

However, just because it is possible to get a bad credit mortgage does not mean it is easy. Here are some important questions you must ask yourself prior to applying for a bad credit mortgage refinance:

Do I really need to refinance my home loan?

You should always look into other possibilities of raising money, or something extra in addition to your normal income. Paying off bills with overtime hours, sales of a few possessions or good financial planning, can result in a refinance not even being needed. Also, never forget the associated costs and fees with refinancing a mortgage. Sometimes, these fees and costs make a bad credit mortgage refinance not worth it, and you would be better off in your current loan.

So is a Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance really my best option?

Doing some easy research and comparison shopping between different mortgage lenders will help a homeowner get the best deal.

Always take refinancing a mortgage seriously. If a mortgage refinance is done wrong, it could cost you thousands of dollars, or maybe even your home. Even homeowners with bad credit, especially in todays market, can get an approval. It has never been easier for homeowners with poor credit scores to get approved for a refinancing. Take action now.

At my site I will teach you how to properly refinance or modify a home mortgage saving you thousands of dollars, or even your home. A lot of Greedy Mortgage Lenders will try to suck you dry if you let them. Learn the right way to refinance or modify your home loan at my site: http://www.refinancingcondo.com

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วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Home Mortgage Refinance Rates Vary By Borrower

It may be rare to find a home mortgage refinance rate as low as the original mortgage, but with a little bit of research it may be possible. Many homeowners may have bought their home during a time when money for home loans was plentiful and during a downturn in the economy, the money may not be as freely available. When this occurs, the prospect of finding an adjustable rate mortgage is also unlikely.

In order to get out from under an adjustable rate mortgage, many seek to refinance their existing mortgage, using the home’s equity as collateral for the loan with a fixed rate. However, several factors may be used to determine the home mortgage refinance rate available for each individual borrower. Additionally, the mortgage company may have many stipulations on any refinancing loans they offer.

There are numerous companies offering a home mortgage refinance rate at a fixed mortgage and many advertise low rates. However, they usually have attached disclaimers that the loans at that rate are for persons with an impeccable credit history that usually do not need their services in the first place. Those that have a less than stellar credit report will be paying more in interest.

External Influences On Interest Rates

There are times when the location of a home can influence the home mortgage refinance rate. Regardless of a person’s credit history, if the lender deems the location of the home is in an area considered to be blighted, they may be reluctant to loan money for refinancing for any cause. Their reasoning may be that with the neighborhood going downhill, the value of the property will surely fall with it, making the value of the property considerably less than when it was first purchased.

Many times if money is available for homes in a so-called bad neighborhood, it will have a considerably higher home mortgage refinance rate than similar homes in other areas. The condition of the home will also play into the availability of loan money, even if the loan is for home improvements. The lender may determine the home mortgage refinance rate charged for a loan in that area may send the payment out of reach of the borrower.

Unfortunately, there are a few companies that practice predatory lending practices, loaning money with a high home mortgage refinance rate, knowing ahead of time the borrower will end up defaulting on the loan. When the house goes into foreclosure, the lender will try to buy it at auction to resell it over and over again, using the came practices.

Richard Henderson runs his own internet marketing business in Las Vegas. Check out these great Home Refinance articles and resources or the more general Personal Finance Articles and advice.

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วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The 6 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

I know, you wish you didn't have to put that mortgage payment in the mailbox each month, so what if you could take that mortgage payment and put it into your pocket instead? Well you can and I'll show you how. The bottom line is this, if you aren't trying to pay off your mortgage early or adjust your mortgage payment you're leaving MEGA-BUCKS on the table.

There are really only 6 ways that you can make a mortgage payment that will help you pay off your mortgage early. Some are good, some are not. It really just depends on your financial situation and how much you're willing to sacrifice.

Regardless of your situation there is ALWAYS a method or two that will work perfectly for you. So here are your options:

The 6 Ways To Pay Off Your Mortgage Early:

1 - Take advantage of the 'mortgage payment loop hole' that has recently been uncovered (free report below)

2 - Use a biweekly mortgage payment plan (doesn't seem like much but works well)

3 - Make an additional mortgage payment to the principle each month (3% rule)

4 - Refinance (I know you probably have a million lenders calling you EVERY day about this one) at a lower rate and keep the monthly mortgage payment the same

5 - Make a lump sum mortgage payment to the principle (maybe with a salary bonus you get)

6 - Refinance to a 15 year mortgage (the mortgage payment increases but it gets the job done)

The most important thing to remember about choosing a mortgage payment to pay off your mortgage early is to understand what it will do for you financially in the future, and then to be able to compare that to what the mortgage payment method is doing to you financially right now.

Often, making the decision on which mortgage payment method to use comes down to your family and lifestyle. Ask yourself the following questions before deciding which mortgage payment method makes the most sense for you.

Do you have a retirement set aside?

Do you have a college fund for your kids?

Do you need/want a new car?

Does your spouse want to go on a vacation?

How much money do you want to save and how badly do you want to pay off your mortgage early?

It may seem hard to choose which one of these mortgage payment options will work best for you, but if you're truly serious about taking control of your financial life it won't be tough.

This is just an overview of all the mortgage payment methods that pay off a mortgage early, but I've written several other articles on these methods that you can look up if you want to go into detail on a certain method.

You can read more mortgage wisdom and secret techniques your bank doesn't want you to know about at the blog: http://payoffmortgageearlyandsaveinterest.blogspot.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Refinance - How to Find the Right Deal

There's quite a number of advantages to having your mortgage refinanced however, the most pertinent and obvious reason is the decreased interest rate you'll receive. When done at the right time and chance, getting a mortgage refinanced can save you a lot of money down the road. Nonetheless, because timing plays a crucial role with refinancing, it's essential for you to understand the elements which can impact how well you can take advantage of it. When can a mortgage be refinanced and should you do this?

If you are taking out a home mortgage loan and are considering getting it refinanced later, you will be glad to know that you may probably do it whenever you want. Still once you've a mortgage and the interest rates begin behaving in a way that is favorable to you, you should not automatically apply for refinancing.

First off, the variation in the new interest rate and the present rate of interest should be enough to really provide you some benefits. Second, most lenders would likely encourage you to refinance just after your loan has matured for a minimum of one year give or take. Yet, it's good to contemplate that only if interest rates have remained the same. If, at any time after you have taken out a mortgage loan the market begins to move to your benefit, you ought to consider refinancing the loan. Keep in mind that interest rates are rather unstable and if you delay too long a time for them to dip even further, you may miss out on a very good chance to obtain a decent deal.

Think about the 2 percent rule: Just|Merely|Simply] because the rates of interest have fallen a bit does not necessarily warrant your choice to refinance. Think about refinancing only if the new rate is around two percent lower compared to the rate that you're presently paying. A one percent difference in the interest rate is not sufficient reason to make the switch.

Remember that there's fees tacked onto a new loan: When you consider refinancing for your mortgage, keep in mind that you'll need to pay a bit more in completion fees so an interest rate as low as 1 percent will not cover the cost.

You've no late payments: You may proceed to refinance your mortgage if you have paid your loan faithfully for the last 12 months. If you have never had a late payment during the past year, you could effect the shift and get your mortgage refinanced.

You've already built up equity: If you want to refinance your mortgage soon, attempt to examine if you've actually built up equity. You need to have a minimum of about 5 or 10 percent equity (depending on the lender) before you could consider refinancing as a feasible option.

So is refinancing an alternative for you to do? Naturally, you could always contemplate refinancing the mortgage whenever you're more comfortable. The key is to consider the time factor, along with the type of opportunity being presented by the marketplace, since of course, refinancing is actually taking out another loan. Just be prepared for the procedures and costs that you'll need to experience all over again.

For More Information Visit Our Website http://www.good4mortgages.co.uk Or Our Blog http://www.good4mortgages.co.uk/blog

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Refinancing in Canada

You really feel the burden of the interest rates, after you've got your mortgage loan and are repaying the debt. However there are means through which you can lessen this burden. Your option is to go in for mortgage refinancing. You can choose to pay your current mortgage with a new mortgage. This is again secured against the same property. If your interest bills are high and your ok with combining your first mortgage with the second one, to pay a single installment per month, then mortgage refinancing is a good option for you to consider. Refinancing is another option that you can think about, which means you make a single huge payment in comparison of paying smaller installments

The reason why most people desire refinancing is the low mortgage interest rates. In this scenario, you can lower your monthly payments only if you don't go in for a higher mortgage principal amount. Building equity faster on your property is another reason why refinancing is preferred. This is feasible only for those who can afford to a higher monthly mortgage payment. Some part of this goes toward the interest and the remaining is applied to the principal. You could even change the type of the mortgage loan by refinancing.

Refinancing may not be your best bet if you are planning to sell off your house in the near future. If you are going to stay in the house for many years to come, see if it is worth paying a refinancing fee to avail the lower interest rates. There are "refinancing calculators" online which help you in evaluating the savings that you could make by taking another loan i.e. refinancing.

You need to speak with your mortgage lender about the prerequisites for refinancing. Some information that most mortgage banks would consider include your current monthly payment, insurance statements, status of property tax and outstanding mortgage balance among others. The new lender would also need information about debts and assets, an appraisal, site survey and verification of employment and debts. Refinancing almost always involves an additional charge as the loan taken is considered to be as good as new. However, check with your mortgage broker if there are banks that offer refinancing with little or no "processing charges". In this case, you you may have to pay a higher rate of interest.

There are many people who are enjoying the benefits of refinancing. They are paying lower monthly benefits thanks to the low mortgage rates. For an ARM mortgage borrower, it maybe better to opt for refinancing and change to a fixed rate loan, according to real estate experts in Canada. Lower monthly payments will definitely reduce your monthly expenses. You could benefit from the flexible terms and amortization periods. The fixed stable installments definitely bring you peace of mind. Under refinancing, you could borrow up to 100% of the loan (OAC) and you also know the exact terms of your mortgage loan. However, you need to see if this scheme would be suitable for you, after understanding the risks involved. Speak with a few mortgage loan officer and shop for the best rate and package. Get the best deal possible and with the way the real estate market is spiraling downwards, refinancing could be considered, say mortgage lenders in Canada.

D. Morris has several years in the lending business and has been a successful real estate investor. He is able to think outside the box and tailor your mortgage to suit your needs. He has access to over 40 lenders and takes pride in being able to build a strong personal relationship with his clients. http://www.residentialmortgagecanada.com For a mini course on Mortgages & Real Estate Click Here

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Bailout Program - Latest Update on President Obama's Mortgage Bailout

Mortgage Bailout Program has been announced by treasure department to help all the existing homeowners to make the home loan payments affordable. This program has specially been designed for low income group families who are facing foreclosures due to financial crisis leading to increase in monthly expenses and decrease in income. All such homeowners are eligible for this mortgage bailout program.

Here are latest updates on Obama's Mortgage Bailout Program:

· All borrowers who have not been making the payments for their mortgage falls under the qualifying category of the bailout program. Its main features are as follows :

1. Reduction in interest rate and monthly payments.

2. Loan Term Extension. For e.g. If your current loan term is for 30 years, you can now get it converted for 40 and 50 years.

3. Reduction in the Principal Amount.

· If you have an adjustable rate mortgage which is about to get adjusted on a higher rate, then the mortgage bailout program offers this excellent plan in which the current loan would be freezed on the rate on which the loan was started.

· According to mortgage bailout program, you are eligible for the loan modification if your monthly payment is more than 38% of your gross income then the banks would do alterations to the loan and would bring it down to the ration of the income. And further government would make sure that the borrower's payment shall not cross 31% of his gross income.

· For getting the benefits of the bailout program, you necessarily do not have to be a defaulter on your loan, but you have to be the primary owner. No second owners can apply for loan modification. shall not be too large and must fall under the current loan limits confirmed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

· The rate relief would be provided for the initial 5 years. According to mortgage bailout program, borrowers would enjoy low rates for first five years and then the rate is going to be adjusted according to the market rate of that time.

To know more about Mortgage Bailout Programs and to check if you qualify

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Brokers Banned From Cold Calling

Prior to 2004 there was little regulation for mortgage brokers conducting business in the UK. Anybody could call themselves a mortgage broker, regardless of whether or not they held the necessary qualifications, and they could source clients and conduct their businesses in any way they chose to.

However the Financial Services Authority introduced a strict regime of regulation on 31 October 2004. Mortgage brokers were forced to obtain industry approved qualifications and conduct their business in accordance with the FSA’s rules and regulations.

One rule that was introduced on that date eliminated the ability of mortgage brokers to source clients through cold calling. Cold calling involves phoning people at random without any prior consent given by the individuals. It is a technique that was used by many mortgage brokers to find new customers prior to the new rules coming into effect.

This meant that mortgage brokers who relied on cold calling to expand their customer base were forced to invent new ways of finding clients. Because of this, lead generation companies began to emerge that generate leads for mortgage brokers who do not have the ability to do it themselves.

The lead generation companies are mostly internet based and gather leads through websites. This type of business activity is unregulated by the FSA as it is not the mortgage brokers themselves who are gathering the leads.

Despite this, lead generation is not considered to be cold calling and would therefore not endure the wrath of the industry regulator with regards to the ban on this activity.

However, mortgage brokers and the general public should be aware that a minority of lead generation companies have used unscrupulous means to obtain data for potential mortgage customers and have sold it to mortgage brokers disguised as qualified leads.

The mortgage brokers will then call the potential clients only to find that the leads are not genuine. This means that the mortgage broker has effectively made a cold call to that member of the public because they have not given prior approval for the mortgage broker to contact them.

Mortgage brokers should be careful to ensure that any mortgage leads they purchase are genuine.

Visit UK Mortgage Source to find an independent Mortgage Broker near you

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Hope For Homeowners (H4H) Mortgage Lending Program

FHA (Federal Housing Association) is assisting homeowners with the Hope for Homeowners Mortgage Lending Program (H4H). As a solid step toward helping homeowners in distress by having a difficult time keeping up on their mortgage payments. The program is intended to help homeowners who are struggling to make their mortgage payments to be able to refinance into an FHA-insured mortgage. Borrowers who are in a loan workout or some type of loan modification program because of having a hard time making their mortgage payments will be giving consideration under the H4H program. For those homeowners who have stopped making their mortgage payments due to advice of others or because they simply cannot make the payment in most cases would need to begin making the payment for at least 3 months and agree to a loan modification agreement before being considered for the H4H program. FHA-insured mortgages have qualifying guidelines. The guidelines for the H4H (Hope for Homeowners) program will include the borrowers long term ability to repay the mortgage. It is a 30 year fixed rate mortgage so the 1st and last payment will be the same. On FHA-insured mortgages only owner occupants may apply. Non-Owner occupants would not qualify.

Qualifying Guidelines: *The H4H program is voluntary and both the homeowner and lender must agree to participate.

*Primary Residence. May not own any other homes or rentals.

*Your current mortgage must have been originated before January 1, 2008 and you must have made at least 6 payments.

*Your ability to pay the existing mortgage has diminished and you need help to make your mortgage payment.

* As of March 2008 your PITI (principal, Interest, Tax, Insurance) payments exceeded 31% of your gross monthly income.

* You certify that you have not been convicted of fraud in the past 10 years, intentionally defaulted on debts; and did not knowingly or willingly provide material false information to obtain existing mortgage(s). H4H Rates, Fees and Terms:

* If approved for H4H program, all existing mortgages will no longer exist. You will not have to make any more payments to existing lenders as the debts will no longer exist.

* Your new loan would not be higher than 90% of the appraised value. Your lender must be willing to write down their payoff so that the new mortgage will not exceed 90% LTV. If they are not willing to write down your mortgage than you would not qualify for the H4H program.

* Equity Sharing. You must share the equity from the beginning of the new loan as well as a portion of future appreciation in the value of your home.

1st Year - 100% initial equity to FHA
2nd Year- 90% initial equity to FHA
3rd Year - 80% initial equity to FHA
4rh Year - 70% initial equity to FHA
5th Year - 60% initial equity to FHA
6th Year and beyond: 50% of initial equity to FHA

Appreciation: For all years when home is sold 50% of appreciation to FHA.

Mortgage Insurance: 3% Upfront MIP (mortgage insurance premium) and 1.5% annual mortgage insurance premiums included in your monthly payments.

Closing Costs: You will receive a good faith estimate of closing costs for the loan. You will need to pay the closing costs but may not have to pay them out of pocket.

Interest Rates: H4H will be current mortgage rates at the time of loan closing. You will be notified by the lender what the rate will be. Subordinate Financing: You cannot take out a second or equity loan for 5 years except for emergency repairs.

The Hope for Homeowners (H4H) program started on October 1st, 2008 and was re-affirmed with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. The program will continue until September 30th, 2011.

If you have any questions about this program you can contact your existing lender or contact a local mortgage broker / bank for more information.

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วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Arrears Primer

Mortgage arrears are payments that are not made on time or late mortgage payments. Mortgage arrears are something a homeowner should try to avoid. Falling behind on a mortgage can be a very devastating thing. Falling too far behind can mean foreclosure and the loss of the home.

Dealing with mortgage arrears is the only way to protect a home from foreclosure. If a person falls behind on their mortgage there are some very specific things they should do.

One of the very first things is to speak with the lender. Keeping the lines of communication open is the best possible thing to do. In this situation many people tend to avoid their lender. They are embarrassed or afraid of what might happen. The truth is that lenders do not really want your home.

They want your money and if they have to take back the property they are also losing out, so they will do everything possible to ensure they get their money from you. Lenders are willing to work with you, but you have to contact them. Explain the situation and they may be able to work out something to make it easier for you to pay up the mortgage arrears.

When calling your lender it is best to have a plan. You should know what you financial situation is currently, why you fell behind and how you can handle the situation. You should have all of this information handy so you can fully explain your situation to your lender. Additionally, your lender may come up with their own options and ideas to help you.

If your lender seems to be unwilling to work with you then you should contact a financial specialist who may be able to work things out with the lender. They can help you put together a plan that will be beneficial to both you and your lender.

In order to get your mortgage arrears taken care of without falling further behind, you will have to pay as much as you can possibly afford. You have to be willing to do this even if your lender offers you a repayment plan. While the repayment plan will likely be reasonable, you will be racking up more interest and in the long run end up paying even more money.

The bottom line about mortgage arrears is that they are the homeowners responsibility. You owe the money and the lender has the right to the money. There is no getting out of it. However, if you act responsibly and fast you can get a handle on your mortgage arrears and clear up the situation with minimal hassle.

For the future, you may consider getting special insurance that would pay your bills, including your mortgage, for you should you become unable to work for a period of time or fall under financial hardship. This can help to avoid mortgage arrears in the future.

James Copper writes on all areas of finance and investment. He works for Any Loans who help people with mortgage arrears to get a fast remortgage.

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วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) - the Mortgage Industry's Dirty Little Secret

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) has long been touted as a benefit that allows borrowers to purchase property with less than a 20% down. But who is the real beneficiary of PMI? We are told that PMI insurance pays the lender if we default on our mortgage. While true, it doesn't tell the whole story. There's a lot more you should know.

This is all the lender must disclose:

  • As part of a "good faith" estimate of closing costs, the lender must provide an estimate of the PMI premium.

  • At closing and annually thereafter, the lender must notify the borrower of available cancellation options. In most cases, PMI may be cancelled when the mortgage is paid down to 80% of the lower of the selling price or the original appraised value. It will usually be cancelled automatically when the amortization of the loan takes the mortgage balance down to 78%.

What you don't know and they don't tell you: 

  • The borrower is not a party to the mortgage insurance policy. The lender does not have to disclose either the name of the insurer or the amount of the insurance purchased. Yet the buyer typically is responsible for the premiums.

  • Lenders can purchase protection for up to 40% or more of the mortgage amount without disclosing to the buyer any more than the premium amount. For example, you buy a $200,000 home with a 10% down payment of $20,000, financing the balance with an $180,000 mortgage. The lender might protect 40%, or a total of $72,000, with mortgage insurance with you paying the premium.

  • Proceeds received by the lender from a PMI policy do not offset any deficiency judgment against you, the borrower. They can collect on the policy and still come after you.

  • The PMI insurer can pay anyone along the transaction line for services rendered that either reduce the risk of the loan or reduce the insurance company's expenses. This implies that they can pay commissions to the lender. Understand that it comes out of your pocket.

  • The monthly premium for most PMI is fixed. In other words, as the balance of the mortgage declines, presumably along with the risk to the lender, the borrower continues to pay the same premium based on the risk assessment at the time the loan was originated.

  • While many lenders will consider allowing the buyer to cancel PMI when the value of the property rises so that the 80% loan to value ratio is achieved, they are under no obligation to do so. In my experience, the lender required that I pay for an appraisal done by an appraisal company selected by the them. Also, the borrower must usually provide proof there is no second mortgage on the property.

  • The lender can purchase PMI, for which they pay the premiums, without notifying the borrower. Funds for these premiums may come indirectly from the borrower through points paid at closing or from higher interest rates.

PMI premiums are not insignificant. I looked at a loan statement for one of my recent investment properties. On a loan of approximately $200,000, the monthly principal and interest payment was $1,124.93. The monthly PMI was $163.53, or 15% of the P&I. Yet I never knew how much insurance was purchased or from whom. Had I carried this property the 10 or so years requried to reduce the mortgage balance to 78% of the purchase price, I would have paid over $19,000 in PMI premiums (nearly 10% of the original loan amount).

In the many recent articles on foreclosures, borrowers are urged to contact their lenders immediately when they run into financial trouble or feel they will be unable to keep their mortgage payments current. They stress that working out an arrangement with your lender is far better than going through foreclosure. Even if foreclosure is inevitable, industry sages recommend working with the lender to facilitate a "short sale," where the selling price is less than the mortgage amount, thus avoiding the stigma of a foreclosure.

Wake up!!  If the lender is protected with a PMI policy, will they be more or less willing to work with the you? Why would they offer you extended or more favorable terms or allow a short sale when they need only to foreclose to collect their insurance? Isn't it ironic? You could pay thousands for coverage that helps pit your lender against your best interests. "A banker is someone who will loan you an umbrella, but who wants it back when it rains," said my father.

Toby Tobin is a real estate commentator and the Publisher of GoToby.com LLC, an on-line news source for the fast growing Palm Coast, FL residential and commercial real estate markets. GoToby.com http://www.GoToby.com is packed with news, incisive commentary, newsletters, articles, interesting rumors and property listings.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

First Residential Mortgage

One of the greatest needs for a loan is for purchase of home. This is therefore an area where many lenders are competing to offer the best deals to the customer. It is also an area where careful planning is required before choosing an option. It is advisable to seek loans from relatives and only take out a mortgage when no other option is available. This is because a mortgage is a long-term commitment to pay a certain amount of money, and one may or may not be able to do so.

Most home loans are standardized to comply with rules established by the Federal National Mortgage Association, which helps to compare the existing rates in the market. Since competition is high, lenders often offer perks, including low interest rates on the loan. There is also the option of government subsidized mortgages, which have very low or no down payment options.

Most loans are divided into four basic parts. The first part is the repayment of money that one has actually borrowed. Interest forms the second part of the loan, which is added to the principal sum for borrowing. The third part is meant to cover the property from natural disasters and other hazards. The final part is the taxes to be paid to the authorities.

One can also get information from newspapers and websites on the current rates. If you are still not able to decide, it is better to consult a mortgage broker who can advise you on all the options and help you choose the best. To begin with, one can calculate if one is eligible for a mortgage. In case the amount that one can afford is much less than the cost of that home you want, then you may have to wait.

If one has a questionable credit background one may be subjected to a higher down payment, or your request may even be denied. But one should not give up the search for a mortgage as many lenders offer attractive options for people with bad credit.

If one does not want to pay high initial payments, one can find mortgages which charge anywhere between 5 to 15 per cent. However, one will be paying more in the long-run with interest rates and loan fees than someone who has paid more initially.

Finally there is detail regarding closing costs. These costs include various fees and processing charges applied by the lender. You must be able to keep aside money to pay for these costs. Typically, this rate may be in the region of around three to four per cent of the cost of your home.

For acquiring homes, the government may also give loans. These are available for former military personnel and for citizens. These require very little or no down payment. In the long-run, fixed interest rates are better when compared to floating ones. This is only true if one gets into a mortgage agreement when the rates are low and one needs a long period of time to repay the mortgage. This allows one to take full advantage of the low entry rates and one need not worry about rates going up somewhere in the future.

There are several options for a first residential loan, including family and commercial and government subsidized mortgages; brokers are often useful to advise one on getting a first mortgage.

First Mortgage provides detailed information about first mortgage, first mortgage loans, first mortgage options, first mortgage rates and more. First Mortgage is the sister site of Home Owners Insurance Policies.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cut Your Monthly Mortgage by $250 Or More - Home Mortgage Modification

If you think back to your home buying experience you probably recall all of the documents you need to prepare and hoops you had to jump through to get everything in order prior to your closing. The bank required documentation for everything. With their firm deadlines and strict guidelines, you really had to work for your loan.

If you are one of the thousands of Americans who is now having trouble keeping up with their mortgage payments due to the poor economy, you might feel like you're on your own. But you may be surprised to learn that the same bank that had you spinning in circles when you bought your home can be flexible in these hard times.

Banks are feeling the effect of the economic downturn as well. They have already sustained significant losses, and they are looking to minimize any future losses. For that reason, your bank may be willing to work with you to help make your mortgage more affordable, allowing you to keep your home. By lowering your interest rate, extending the terms of you loan or even reducing the amount of principle you owe, home loan consolidation can provide you with the financial relief you need.

If you are having difficulty keeping up with your monthly expenses in these hard times, find out what options are available to you. Online resources can put you in touch with the right programs and let you know if you qualify for home loan consolidation. Find out more today.

See how a home loan modification can quickly allow you to reduce your payments and help you get out of debt. It's a simple strategy that is working for millions of people, and can allow you to save hundreds of dollars on monthly mortgage payments.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Default

Nobody plans to fall behind with the payments on their mortgage, but life has a funny way of throwing difficult times at us, whether it be unexpected medical bills, or loss of employment, these things have a way of coming up when we least expect them and normally we are not prepared for them! If we have no money stashed away for a rainy day, being able to afford these unexpected bills or expenses and keeping the daily running of our house up, including paying loans or mortgages, proves impossible. Bills go by unpaid, things that would seem urgent and important before, may now go down in their ranking of importance. This is where many people end up defaulting on their mortgage.

Default on a mortgage is where required payments are not made on time or not paid at all. It can also be not complying with certain rules and regulations that are set out before the contract is made.

It is really important to try and make all of your payments on your mortgage in time. We've all heard the warning "if repayments on your mortgage are not kept up, you run the risk of losing your home" Well, it's true! If, however, for whatever reason, it is not possible to keep up your payments, there is a Mortgage Default procedure that you must go through.

A default on the mortgage is where a payment is missed, and is more than thirty days late. It will be noted on the clients credit report and affects their credit score negatively. When a number of mortgage payments is missed, usually about three or four, the client is classed as being in default. If you are running behind on your payments, the best thing you should do is contact your mortgage provider and tell them the news. Many loan and mortgage companies will be happy enough to try and work out some sort of agreement with you in order to help you out of your difficult position. That is, however, if you do inform them and you don't bury your head in the sand! The longer you wait to inform them, the worse it will end up being for you, and the less likely they are to want to negotiate terms. Missing three or four payments, when you are referred to as being in default, most mortgage companies will need the complete payment of the missed payments in full as well as paying any late fees you may have accumulated.

If you are unable to pay the balance off in full, the mortgage company has rights to start foreclosure proceedings. There are some ways in which you can prevent or try to delay the foreclosure proceedings including selling your home, declaring yourself bankrupt or loan modification. Again, these things can only really be arranged if you talk to your mortgage provider early enough.

If there is no agreement reached, a foreclosure notice will be given, generally by mail. The letter will state a period of time in which you can pay off the missed payments and reinstate the mortgage. If this isn't done, you will then be given a notice of foreclosure sale, where your property will be put up for auction and bought by the highest bidder. You must then move out of your house within a set period of time or face being evicted!

Obviously, this isn't the most pleasant experience in the world, so if you do get yourself into this position, speak to your lender as soon as possible to see if there is away you can negotiate terms and not lose your house due to missing payments. The most important thing to remember is to try your very hardest to keep up repayments with your mortgage!

Jim Power is writer for the Mortgage Saving Website http://www.thesuperlucky.com/mortgage-default/ where there is more information to be found on Mortgage Default

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