วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Life Insurance Rates

Mortgage life insurance leads can be a nice profit generator for any insurance agent. It is often used as a method by which individuals or groups of people can buy health insurance without paying the full value upfront. The mortgage life insurance leads are generated mainly through major search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN. By putting the mortgage life insurance leads on such search engines, one can raise the most motivated prospects possible.

Mortgage life insurance quotes and rates are provided by all of the various insurance companies. These mortgage life insurance programs have the power to protect one's finances with all of the advantages that these companies can provide. So the mortgage life insurance rates provided by the various companies become a major factor in from among choosing insurance policies. After one adopts and combines the mortgage life insurance coverage, the various insurance companies credit one's mortgage life insurance, usually at a constant rate of ten percent per annum, for the express purpose of insuring one's life in the near and/or distant future. But one should always carfefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of such homeowner's insurance rates. It is not always conducive for all the people to fulfill the financial formalities of these insurance rates.

Sometimes it may happen that people find it difficult to pay premiums at the rates put by the companies. In such cases one should look for mortgage life insurance discounts. These rates are often softened by the insurance companies on certain conditions, like a sudden mishap.

Mortgage Life Insurance provides detailed information on Mortgage Life Insurance, Mortgage Life Insurance Leads, Mortgage Life Insurance Quotes, Mortgage Life Insurance Rates and more. Mortgage Life Insurance is affiliated with Mortgage Insurance Leads.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Sales And How To Survive Outside Your Comfort Zone Even With Daily Blows To Your Ego

Being a salesperson is never easy. To sell effectively, you must to be willing to do things that challenge you. No top producer has ever reached the upper ranks without first moving outside their comfort zone.

Someone recently sent me this poem and I wanted to share it with you. I hope it inspires you to keep challenging yourself and be willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

No one ever said that sales was easy, but a little bit of inspiration never hurt either!

From one friend to another, here is the poem...

Comfort Zone

I use to have a Comfort Zone, where I knew I couldn't fail. The same four walls of busy work, were really more like jail. I longed so much to do the things, I'd never done before. But I stayed inside my Comfort Zone, and paced the same old floor. I said it didn't matter, that I wasn't doing much. I said I didn't care for things, like diamonds, furs and such. I claimed to be so busy, with the things inside my zone. But deep inside I longed for something special of my own. I couldn't let my life go by, just watching others win. I held my breath and stepped outside and let the change begin. I took a step and with new strength I'd never felt before. I kissed my Comfort Zone "goodbye" and closed and locked the door. If you are in a Comfort Zone, afraid to venture out. Remember that all winners were at one time filled with doubt. A step or two and words of praise, can make your dreams come true. Greet your future with a smile, success is there for you!

Rob Lawrence is ranked one of top national trainers in the mortgage industry. He is the currently the CEO of Battlecall.com, coaching, tools and resources to turn mortgage professionals into mortgage warriors. Visit http://www.battlecall.com for his free "Sink Or Swim" weekly newsletter, mortgage training, marketing advice and more! Jumpstart your career in the mortgage business, starting today.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Interest Rates - Predictions For 2009 and 2010

With so many homeowners looking to refinance or save money on their monthly mortgage, mortgage interest rates are very important. Luckily, we have some information that can help us make an educated guess as to what to expect from mortgage interest rates in the coming months. Here, are my mortgage predictions, and how I made them.

Although mortgage interest rates are low right now, I think there is still room for them to drop even further. While not by much, only .6% or so, every little bit counts. This .6% could be the difference between a beneficial refinancing or one which will actually cost you more money in the future.

The average homeowner who refinances now will get around a 5.19% interest rate for a 30 year fixed mortgage. This is unusually low, and many homeowners can save a lot by taking advantage of these historic low rates. However, for homeowners who are able to wait a little longer, I think there could be even more savings.

Sometime around the middle of October, of this year, I predict mortgage interest rates will drop. I think that rates will fall just below their lowest ever recoded rate of 4.69%, and will stay that way until April of 2010. This could be hugely advantageous for the homeowner who can wait a little longer to truly get the lowest rates possible. We are already seeing signs of slow rate drops, just as I thought would happen.

In October of this year, the mortgage lenders, banks, and brokers, will be hungry for a new round of eager to refinance homeowners. Last time rates were that low, the rush to refinance was on, and millions of applications flooded the offices of mortgage providers. This quickly led to a back log of paperwork. Now though, they are nearly caught up, and ready for more.

If you can wait, if not rates are still very low and you can probably save a lot through refinancing.

At my site I will teach you how to properly refinance or modify a home mortgage saving you thousands of dollars, or even your home. A lot of Greedy Mortgage Lenders will try to suck you dry if you let them. Learn the right way to refinance or modify your home loan at my site: http://www.refinancingcondo.com.

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วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

No Down Payment Mortgage With No PMI?

Many lenders are offering a solution to this lack of down payment problem for those who want to eliminate the PMI variable from their mortgage loan payment equation: a combination of a mortgage loan and a home equity loan or personal loan to complete the 20% down payment. Is this really a solution? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks?

Private Mortgage Insurance

Private mortgage insurance protects the lender against default by covering the mortgage payments in case the borrower cannot repay the loan for one of the reasons stated in the insurance policy.

Private mortgage insurance is not required for any mortgage loan but when it comes to all home loans where the amount is higher than the 80% of the purchase price of the loan, PMI payments are compulsory (with the exemption of VA loans and other preferred home loans).

Thus, in order to avoid paying private mortgage insurance charges, the borrower needs to obtain sufficient funds for a 20% down payment. As this is seldom possible, people usually cope with the higher payments and eventually they decide to refinance with better terms.
Yet, it is possible to get financing with advantageous terms and no PMI from the very beginning by using a combination of loans instead of a single mortgage loan with PMI payments.

Remember though, that if it is within your hands to obtain the necessary down payment in cash it is well worthy to do so even if you have to wait a few months because you will not only save yourself the PMI payments or the interests on the additional loan but you will also be able to obtain more advantageous terms on your mortgage loan.

Combination Loans Based On Equity

These home equity loans can provide you with the funding needed to obtain the 20% down payment to avoid Private mortgage insurance payments. Though the interest rates on these loans tends to be a bit higher than what is charged for the mortgage loan, in the long run, this implies lower payments than a single mortgage loan that would charge PMI fees. And sometimes, the costs are lower right away if you only need a smaller amount of money because you already have some savings for the down payment.

Whether it is advisable or not to obtain these loans instead of a single mortgage loan with PMI is a matter of discussion. But most importantly, it will depend on your particular situation and on market conditions. The smart way to go is to compare your options and have the lenders provide you with different loan quotes to see which one best suits your needs and desires. Sometimes the difference may not be too significant, but under certain circumstances you can save thousands of dollars in the long run.

Kate Ross is a professional consultant at Speedybadcreditloans.com. Read more useful articles on her website and contact her if you need financial help.

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วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Help Lower My Mortgage Payments to Avoid House Foreclosure - With 8 Steps That Spell M-O-R-T-G-A-G-E

If You Need Help, You are not alone

If you are struggling to pay your mortgage you are not alone. Authorities project that over 2 million homes will go into default this year. One out of every 18 homeowners is behind on their mortgage payments. That's bad news.

Help Is Available

The good news is that many real estate professionals as well as the government and lending and banking institutions, are very interested in helping you save your home. On the average, a home foreclosure reduces the surrounding property values by $17 to $18 thousand dollars - within a five mile radius of the property. Every home saved means fewer vacant homes, which supports higher property values, a stronger community, and an improved local economy.

Real Estate and Financial Professionals Can Help

Many Real estate and financial professionals realize that some in their communities are going through difficult times and it is affecting their ability to make their mortgage payments, avoid foreclosure and save their homes. Saved homes mean stronger communities that have a greater need for their services.

The US Government Wants To Help

The housing market is an important sector of the economy and the government wants reduced foreclosure rates and increased property values to strengthen the economy. The government has helped by coming up with new loan programs that make it a little easier for homeowners to refinance into a loan with better interest rates, which translates to lower mortgage payments. However, not all mortgage brokers keep track of these programs. It's important to work with a broker who specializes in this area because he or she can stay up to date on these new developments.

The Banking and Lending Institutions Can Help

The banking institutions are often willing to negotiate with homeowners who are behind on their payments, or whose interest rates are adjusting to the extent that they won't be able to make their payments any longer. The banks would often prefer to have a paying homeowner on modified terms, rather than end up with a vacant house on their books which they have to pay to fix up and sell.

Use A Team Of Experts For Best Results

You can of course talk to your lender and try to make an arrangement on your own. However, there are professionals who have become expert at these types of negotiations and know exactly how best to present your case to your lender to get you the best possible terms of loan reinstatement or interest rate reduction. The end result of a successful negotiation can be a lower mortgage rate but there is no guarantee. Timing and strategy are important. This is where having a professional in this area is the key.

By the same token, you could try to find out about all the latest loan programs and decide which one is best for you, but working with the right mortgage broker will keep you from having to 'reinvent the wheel', as the saying goes.

Seniors Have A Special Advantage

Seniors are a special case. If you are a senior, it may be possible to eliminate your mortgage payments altogether with a mortgage product that actually pays you every month, instead of you paying a mortgage. It's called a reverse-mortgage. It's not for everyone, but it may be exactly what you need to be comfortable during your retirement years. Even if you have applied for a reverse mortgage in the past and been denied, there are some new loan products evolving that may be even better suited to your situation.

Action Plan To Reduce Your Mortgage and Save Your Home

Now is the time to empower yourself by taking constructive action.
If you are a homeowner who is saying "I need to lower my mortgage payments or I will not be able to avoid house foreclosure." Here's what I would suggest you do next. Take the 8 Steps below that spell:

M - MOVE IT!: - Make sure you take action as soon as possible. The quicker you act, the more choices you have

O - ORGANIZE YOU DOCUMENTS: Have you been letting those scary letters pile up in the corner? Make sure you have organized all related files and paperwork so you can get your hands on what you need, quickly. This also increases your sense of control over your situation.

R - RECRUIT YOUR TEAM: Look for an experienced team of real estate and financial professionals that is working together in your best interest. Start by asking to your friends and family for recommendations and searching offline as well as online. Remember that in the financial world you are not limited geographically. Your best team members may be hundreds of miles away. Keep searching until you are certain you have the right group. Good advisors often work together. Sometimes the key is to find one team member that you know is the right fit for you and he or she can lead you to others.

T - TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL RESOURCES: Keep an open mind. Work with your team to explore all of your options for yourself and your family. The solution may or may not be straightforward. Make sure you clearly communicate the issues that are most important to you. Brainstorm. Ask questions. You will often find that the best strategy will present and confirm itself as you keep cycling through this process.

G - GAIN FAMILY CONSENSUS: Discuss options with all concerned and affected by your decision. (well maybe not the dog, but everyone else). Talking it through will help to eliminate some of the stress and provide needed support when everyone is on the same page. It's amazing how much more you can accomplish when you have full cooperation of the most important people in your life.

A - ACT: Take a deep breath, take action and make your best choice. Don't give in to analysis paralysis. At a certain point, you have to pull the trigger and make a decision.

G - GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK: Go easy on yourself, knowing you have done your best for yourself and your family. Guilt, anger, and frustration only sap your creative problem solving energy.

E- EXPECT TO SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE: When you are ready, pass on the knowledge you have gained to others worthy of your wisdom. Remember when you were at the team recruitment stage and were asking around for recommendations? Now it's your turn to 'pay if forward' and share your experience so it benefits others. Word of mouth travels. You may be the reason someone else can save their home by lowering their mortgage payments!

So there you have it. If you get:

Organize all of your documents,
Recruit your dream team,
Take advantage of their wisdom,
Gain your family's consensus and support, take
Give your self a serious break, and
Expect to share your knowledge with someone else who needs help,...

You will be amazed at how smoothly you can come up with a workable solution... with a little help from your friends!

I hope you have gained some useful knowledge. May you and your loved ones have all the best for your future!

If you would like more information and my other recommendations, go to:


Toni T. has been a real estate professional since 1999. She specializes in developing creative solutions for homeowners primarily by networking and by creating strategic alliances with other real estate professionals nationwide - and within the local real estate market of Southern California. She lives in the Los Angeles Area.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Refinancing - Basic Facts

Refinancing is also an outstanding chance to reimburse our debts, reduce periodic expense responsibilities, or to pay a debt impartiality that has gathered in real assets over the time of tenure ship.

Let us talk about the types of refinancing.

Mortgage refinancing can be generally divided into two categories: no cash-out refinancing and cash-out refinancing.

In first case of refinancing, the loan quantity is below the mortgage money currently owed. This type of refinancing permits applicants to have a loan of up to 95 percent of the appraised price of his home, a certain benefit as it considerably lowers the monthly expenses and all related final costs and financing costs.

Cash-out refinancing, however, allows the loan taker to have a loan of more than the quantity owed on the present mortgage. However, loan takers are normally limited to take loan of no more than 75 to 80 percent of the raised price of the home when the category of refinance mortgage is cash-out refinancing.

The excess profits can be used in so many ways, such as you can pay off other exceptional loans.

You can even opt for an extended time refinancing to further decrease the monthly installments. Actually, extensive period refinancing is the in-thing now-a-days and a great number of aspirants are happily gathering the advantage of substantial reserves incurred by making the mortgage term longer and make use of the net savings for further paying down the liability.

Tax advantage is also an advantage of refinancing loan. In other words, we can say that non-tax deductible unpaid amount such as credit card unpaid sum can be simply changed into tax-deductible money.

Refinancing a Loan - mortgage:refinancing

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Advice, Do You Need It?

Purchasing property for the first or subsequent time can be a very exciting time in anybodys life. That said there can be a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the whole process. If you are not familiar with the territory you should always consider getting mortgage advice.

Taking out a mortgage requires consideration to be given to many things and if you're not satisfied with the information you receive from a potential lender, then you need to seek out an independent mortgage advisor who is not attached to any lender to get that true independent mortgage advice that you really need.

External advice is always the best way to go. This is due mainly to the fact that these sort of people or organisations will normally have your interests at heart. They will generally not have any benefit from which particular mortgage deal you sign up for especially if it is not the best one for you. These sort of people will also bear in mind many factors that affect your mortgage that other people such as the lenders themselves will not have informed you of.

A very good example of this is the interest rate itself. When you get independent mortgage advice the broker or adviser will normally tell you when the best time is to sign for the mortgage deal they could recommend you delay for a couple of weeks. The reasons for this could be many but one example is that they might have heard interest rates were due to fall and your delay could benefit you with a better deal.

Most mortgage brokers have very good contacts with all the lenders. This is a great benefit as most brokers will have advance warning of special deals coming onto the market or being taken off the market and as such will advise you accordingly. This type of knowledge can benefit you greatly and as such may even save you a considerable amount of money over the term of the mortgage.

Due to the fact that mortgage brokers work in the property market they will have an idea of property trends and as such may also recommend the best times to buy or even sell if they have an idea of which way the market is moving. Again this sort of knowledge is invaluable when buying a home so you don't inadvertently pay too much for a property.

Now that you have decided to go ahead and buy a house or even get a remortgage your mortgage adviser should be able to guide you through the process. There will be quite a lot of things that you will need to have available for example, proof of identity, pay slips, accounts if applicable, and even bank statements. Having all this paperwork will always speed up the whole process as it means the lender will not have to ask for it later. A good mortgage advisor will be able to ensure you have the right paperwork ready.

Regardless of whether you're buying your first house or your fifth, it is never an easy or simple process organizing a mortgage, so ensuring your advisor is independent means they have no agenda other than ensuring you complete as easily as possible with the maximum of information to aid you in an informed process.

Signing for a mortgage is a big step and if you have any doubts or uncertainty then you should get mortgage advice. This advice can literally save you thousands and they will walk you through all the steps that come along with applying, accepting and signing for a mortgage.

Advice on mortgages from specialist Independent Mortgage Advisers help information and no obligation mortgage calculators please visit MortgageRoute.co.uk

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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Rates Predictions - Will the Bail Out Help?

During the days leading into October, experts could not agree on mortgage rates predictions as to whether they will increase, decrease, or stay the same through mid-November. Almost half (47%) of the experts polled believe mortgage rates will rise. About 43% believe rates will fall slightly. The rest, about 10%, believe interest rates will remain relatively unchanged.

Those predicting higher rates say that if $700 billion from the bail-out is pumped into Wall Street, then supply could exceed demand in the bond markets causing a rise in mortgage rates Bonds are certificates of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date. The Bond Market Association estimates that mortgage debt makes up $6.1 trillion of the $25.9 trillion bond market.

Experts predicting lower rates say that if the Treasury purchases exclusively mortgage backed securities (MBS) rather than government backed securities, mortgage rates will drop.

Government backed securities are government debt obligations backed by the credit and taxing power of the country thereby having very little risk of default.

Mortgage backed securities are debt obligations that have been assembled into pools by accredited entities (governmental and private) and sold to investors. These pooled debt obligations are called Mortgage Backed Securities or MBS. The money banks make from MBS is loaned out to their customers. The banks don't have to worry if the customers have the assets to cover the loans they make to their customers because the banks sell the loans as MBS and get their money back that way.

Only time will tell how the bail-out money will be spent. How it is spent will directly affect mortgage rates Mortgage rates predictions for the next 18 months are that rates will fall. However, if inflation is not controlled, the long-term mortgage rates predictions will forecast increases in mortgage rates.

Read simple, to-the-point articles about avoiding costly mistakes and important subjects like refinancing mortgage rate at http://www.e-home-mortgage-loans.com/index.html

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wachovia Loan Modification - Important Tips to Help You Qualify

Distressed homeowners stuck in an unaffordable adjustable rate mortgage should take the time to learn about how to apply for help with a Wachovia loan modification. When Wells Fargo acquired Wachovia for $15.1 billion dollars, it also inherited a troubled mortgage portfolio that includes a high percentage of loans known as Pay Option Arms. These risky loans feature a negative amortization option that results in deferred interest being added to the principal balance. Wells Fargo is motivated to convert these loans into safer, more affordable type loan programs.

The toxic combination of decreasing home values, increasing loan balances and tighter credit standards have left Wachovia mortgage holders painted into a corner. When refinancing or selling the property are not feasible options, homeowners are left with few options-one of the best is a Wachovia Loan modification. But, before you apply, you need to learn some important tips to increase your chance of loan modification help so you can change your risky loan into one that features a low fixed interest rate and an affordable payment.

If you have a Pay Option Arm, you may qualify for Wachovia loan modification help with one of the following options:

Project LifeLIne: A program initiated by Wells Fargo Bank for holders of loans that are 90 or more days delinquent. Each loan is reviewed on a case by case basis and borrowers will be contacted by the bank to discuss their eligibility. A 30 day pause on the foreclosure process will be in effect while a loan workout solution is explored. Interested homeowners should be prepared to provide proof of income as part of the application process.

Wachovia loan modification may include one or more of the following options: reduced interest rate, a longer loan term or an interest only option for a predetermined period of time. Not all loans will qualify for this program-loans excluded include:

  1. Loans in active Bankruptcy

  2. Active foreclosure with a sale date less than 30 days away

  3. Loans on vacant or investment properties

Fast-Trace Solution for ARM loans: Borrowers with an adjustable rate mortgage that is scheduled to reset to a higher payment may be granted a 5 year freeze on the introductory interest rate to avoid payment shock and possible default. Eligible loans must be:

  • Originated between 1/01/2005 and 7/31/2007

  • Have an initial interest rate reset between 1/1/2008 and 7/31/2010

  • Have an initial fixed rate period of 36 months or less

Wachovia loan modification candidates will be notified by the bank as soon as it is determined that they may be eligible. Homeowners will be asked to submit an application and provide income and expense documentation as well a demonstrate a financial hardship. It is very important for interest borrowers to have a good, general understanding of how to complete the required loan modification forms properly to have a better chance for approval. Even a deserving homeowner may be denied if they do not understand how to meet the lenders requirements for debt ratio, acceptable hardship situation and complete their financial statements correctly. Borrowers who take the time to learn and prepare can increase their opportunity to receive the help they need and deserve.

You can get the help you need to understand the Wachovia loan modification process by ordering and downloading The Complete Loan Modification Guide. This is a low cost, easy to read handbook that will provide you with everything you need to prepare a professional and acceptable loan modification application. You are provided with all of the necessary forms and given detailed directions on how to complete them properly. The Complete Loan Modification Guide will take you step by step through calculating your debt ratio, completing the financial statements, writing your hardship letter and then putting it all together to submit to your lender. Get started today on the path to secure home ownership, order and download The Complete Loan Modification Guide.

For more information about mortgage loan modification, please visit us at: http://www.myloanmodificationcenter.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Are 40 Year Mortgages a Good Idea

A recent analysis of the lending policy of the top 125 mortgage lenders found that approximately 30% were now offering mortgage terms of 40 years of more. Furthermore this trend to longer mortgages is becoming more popular as first time buyers struggle to get on the property ladder.

Long term mortgages of 40 years and more have been criticised by some consumer groups who argue it is likely to increase the debt burden on householders. There are some problems inherent in 40 year mortgages.

1. Buyers will pay much more interest the longer the mortgage term is. This effectively reduces their disposable income over the period of their mortgage.

2. It maybe some people are continuing to have a mortgage into their retirement. Thus there are concerns as to whether people will be able to pay their mortgage payments in retirement.

3. Longer mortgage terms are often synonymous with borrowing far greater amounts. It enables consumers to get mortgages upto 5 or 6 times there salary. This increases their potential debt burden if interest rates were to crash or house prices were to fall. It makes the consequences of negative equity more serious.

4. Longer mortgage terms have enabled more people to keep buying and thus have been inflating house prices above their sustainable level

However despite these criticisms there are certain advantages of 40 year mortgage terms.

1. Without a 40 year mortgage many UK first time buyers would be unable to buy. In the long term buying is a better option than renting. It is true people may have mortgage payments close to retirement, but if they continue to rent rather than buy then they will also have to pay rents.

2. Over a period of 40 years inflation will reduce the real value of mortgage payments, making them easier to pay.

3. Home ownership gives greater stability than renting. If you stay renting then you are always at the mercy of a landlord.

4. If your financial situation improves then in the future you should be able to switch your mortgage to a more flexible system which allows owners the option to pay off the 40 year mortgage early.

It seems that 40 + year mortgages are here to stay. They are a response to the changing climate of the UK housing market and a reflection of increased flexibility. Whilst house prices remain valued at these record levels they will continue to remain an attractive option to UK homeowners

R.Pettinger manages a site about Mortgages in the UK http://www.mortgageguideuk.co.uk This site includes a guide to different types of mortgages and news about UK mortgages and the UK economy

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วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Net Branch Brokerages

Mortgage net branching is a business in which mortgage companies invite mortgage brokers and small mortgage companies as franchises in a bid for expansion. Companies that set up the syndicate are called mortgage originators. They pay their net branches by way of brokerages.

The responsibility of net branches is to create mortgaging business for the originator company. Their work includes cross-checking, processing and underwriting loans. They also have to conduct risk analysis studies for the loans. For this job they get their payments by way of commission brokerages.

Brokerages are split up among the originator and the net branch. If the broker company is a proper company with an office, then the brokerage is split up on a 90-10 basis. That means the mortgage net branch gets to keep 90% of the commission while the originator takes 10%. In addition to this, the originator may charge a nominal amount per loan processed. Though this is the general split-up, it is not the norm, and originator companies may change the split according to their discretion. In fact, some companies even advertise that they allow their net branches to keep up to 100% of the commission. In such cases, net branches have to pay a fixed amount to the originator company per loan closed by it.

If the mortgage broker is an individual working from home, then there is a different manner in which the commission is split. In such cases, the broker receives a much lower amount of the commission, while the originator company keeps a higher amount. The split may be 70 to 10 percent. Additionally, there is a small fee per transaction that the originator company collects. The reason for a low commission to the broker working from home is that the originator company has to invest more machinery and goodwill in the transaction.

Mortgage companies offer their brokers incentives apart from their earnings through brokerages. As an example, if a broker is able to close more than ten mortgages per month for the parent company, then the parent company may award added bonuses and commissions to the net branch.

Mortgage Net Branch provides detailed information on Mortgage Net Branch, Mortgage Net Branch Opportunities, Mortgage Net Branch Companies, Mortgage Net Branch Brokerages and more. Mortgage Net Branch is affiliated with Online Home Mortgages.

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วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Get A Mortgage With Bad Credit History

This is not a flawless world, and there aren't any flawless individuals. As a result it is no astonishment that not everyone has flawless credit. I would also like you to know that there are numerous reasons as to why individuals have poor credit. It is not always because individuals don't pay their debt. Divorce, medical debt and job lay offs can all incite people to have poor credit. The good news is that there is promise. You can purchase a house even with poor credit.

This is not to suggest that when you go to apply for a mortgage that banks are going to be understanding and approve you. Frankly banks don't care about your conditions and situations; they're interested in protecting their bottom line. They aren't in the market to loose money but to make money. And if you seem to be a huge risk to them for loosing money you are going to pay a larger interest rate and have to jump through a lot of hoops then individuals with favorable credit.

Therefore the process is more challenging but not unattainable. There are mortgage institutions out there that handle poor credit. If you are in a rush then work with them. But read your contract carefully and understand the terms of the mortgage. Don't merely be one of those individuals that are so excited to be purchasing a home they write away their life and the authority to pay off in advance with insane penalties due to the fact that they didn't read their contract. Be prepared to put a down payment down, and you will pay a bigger interest rate. Possibilities are what they'll want you to do is have a variable rate bad credit mortgage. Know that currently interest rates are at their lowest. The chance of them going lower is questionable, but up is more possible. Can you afford to have your mortgage payment go up hundreds of dollars per month?

All right, with that being stated, you have to know that purchasing a home is an important decision. Whether this is your 1st house, or 5th house, it is no less of a an important deal. If you have poor credit and are afraid to even talk to the lender because you are horrified of being rejected or deemed a big risk and have to pay enormous fees there are actions that you can take to assist in getting a better rate and terms.

Beforehand get a copy of your credit file. Make sure that it contains all 3 reporting bureaus on it. Go through your file and review for mistakes. You will be amazed at how many mistakes you will catch. The next surprising portion of your credit file is that the agencies don't update them as often as you would think. Simply because TransUnion does an update, does not mean Experian will. So, you can try to amend these problems yourself or retain credit repair lawyers. Whatever way it demands time, the credit repair lawyer eases that headache.

The next thing that you can do is consolidate some of your bills. So if you have 3 credit cards, consolidate the balance to one. Be sure that you are making fees on time. This entails to your utility companies and cellular phone companies. These fees get reported, so making payments on time is crucial especially if you have poor credit. You want the bank to realize that you are striving to improve and that really you are not a huge risk.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You will be able to purchase a house with poor credit. It commands a strong mind and perseverance on your part. Be confident and get the mortgage you prefer on your terms.

Fred Hopkins is an 8 year mortgage veteran specializing in bad credit mortgages. For more information please visit http://www.mountaintopmtg.net.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Refinance Information: 3 Tips to Help You Save

If you are in the process of refinancing your mortgage, you want to avoid overpaying for your new mortgage. Mortgage companies and brokers have clever ways of disguising junk fees and inflating the interest rate you receive. Here are several tips to help you avoid overpaying when refinancing your mortgage.

Mortgage Refinance Information - Shop for the Best Lender

Comparison shopping and doing your homework is the best way to ensure that you don’t pay too much when mortgage refinancing. When you compare loan offers the best way to make a line-by-line comparison is to use the Good Faith Estimate. Mortgage lenders are required to provide the Good Faith Estimate upon receiving your application; however, most mortgage lenders will give you this document simply by asking for it. When you compare mortgage offers using the Good Faith Estimate it is important that you look at all aspects of the mortgage loans. Many homeowners think choosing the loan with the lowest interest rate means they will get the best deal. These homeowners frequently overpay with lender fees and closing costs.

Mortgage Refinance Information - Watch out for Retail Markup

The interest rate you qualify is an important aspect of the mortgage. Mortgage companies and brokers routinely mark up interest rates to boost their profits. Because you are already paying origination fees for the loan, it is possible to avoid paying retail markup and get a better mortgage interest rate. The markup mortgage companies add to your mortgage interest rate is called Yield Spread Premium. Just like knowing the blue book price of an automobile gives you an advantage when negotiating for price, knowing the wholesale interest rate you qualified will help you avoid paying retail markup of your mortgage interest rate.

Mortgage Refinance Information – Choose the Right Mortgage Type

When it comes to refinancing your mortgage loan, you have three choices for the type of loan you choose. You can choose mortgage refinancing with a fixed interest rate, an adjustable interest rate, or a hybrid loan with both types. The type of mortgage you choose depends on your financial needs for the loan and how much risk you can tolerate with your finances. Fixed interest rates offer the highest degree of security and have the advantage of predictable payments you can plan your budget around. Adjustable Rate Mortgages come with lower rates; however, there is much more risk and you need to understand what you are getting into. Hybrid loans offer both types of interest rates, there is a period of fixed interest payments before the loan is converted to an adjustable interest rate.

You can receive more mortgage refinance information, including costly mistakes to avoid by registering for a free mortgage tutorial.

To get your free mortgage tutorial visit RefiAdvisor.com using the link below.

Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid costly mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. For a free copy of "Mortgage Refinancing - What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies to find the best mortgage and save thousands of dollars in the process, visit Refiadvisor.com.

Claim your free mortgage refinance information guide today at: http://www.refiadvisor.com

Mortgage Refinance Information

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Rates - How Low Can We Go?

Well, surely it can't drop much lower? If you haven't locked a mortgage rate in by now, or haven't got yourself pre-approved, you had better hurry up. All those people who can remember the 11% mortgage interest rate will be trampling over each other to try and re-new at these rates.

Both the thirty year fixed rate mortgage and the fifteen year fixed rate mortgage have dropped by almost another half a point. Rates are really competitive for those who want to be able to budget and feel secure about their future. You can lock in the mortgage rate for fifteen years at an average 5.21% at the moment. This means that you will know exactly what your mortgage repayment will be for the next fifteen years. That's security!

A survey taken this last week on mortgages, reports that the fifteen year fixed rate mortgages are at their lowest rate since July 2005 and that for the first time in seven years the rate is lower than the average rate offered on a one year adjustable rate mortgage.

These results were published by Freddie Mac in the Primary Mortgage Market Survey. An announcement from Freddie Mac vice president stated that the further mortgage decreases were in large part a reaction to the drop in consumer spending.

Figures have been published which show that December's consumer spending was down by 0.4%. He added that sales of garden equipment and building materials were particularly hit, with the loss of sales in these areas dipping to an almost 3% loss from the previous month.

This explains why mortgage interest rates keep dropping. It doesn't explain why everyone is fairly cautious about re-financing or getting a mortgage - even a fixed rate! Is it possible that people are not buying their dream home until they have seen the lowest edge of the mortgage rates?

Just how much money is involved for the average member of the public here? Well, for every one eighth point on a conforming loan, you will pay an extra $25.00 per month. This week the rate for a fifteen year fixed is averaging out at 5.21%. A 15 year fixed rate mortgage last week averaged 5.43% which was down from the week before when it averaged 5.68%.

In real money, you could have saved yourself around $50 per month in repayments by just one week's difference in time. This means that the home you are hanging out for may be snapped up by someone else. A buyer who is who is prepared to pay the extra $50.00 per month; a buyer who has decided not to gamble on the ultimate lowest of the low rates, but rather to snap up the property that they want now.

It is anyone's guess whether the mortgage rate will go up or down. Unemployment figures rose last month compared to the month before, but the inflation and economic data has already been calculated to reflect long term lending risks. Lenders anticipate the news and indications are pointing to the fact that rises in the rates are more likely than drops in the rate.

First time buyers must be encouraged to at least try to get approval at this rate. Approval is not a contract, and it does not need to be taken up and used, but at least this low-return mortgage rate will be available to them for a few weeks, if they wish to buy a home - before the rate inevitably creeps up!

Eileen specializes in Upstate New York real estate. To learn about buying property in the Kingston NY real estate market, be sure to visit Eileen at http://www.VillageGreenRealty.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Refinance With Bad Credit - How to Start?

In the last two years, thanks to the down economy, one of the most important topics that has been discussed often is the homeowners suffering high monthly payments and high interest rates. Many property owners are falling slowly backwards on payments resulting in rising market for the mortgage refinance with bad credit.

Is it currently the best time to apply and why?

As a matter of fact, it is the best time to apply and you should not miss this golden chance. The newest data from the Mortgage-Bankers-Association (MBA) reveals fewer foreclosures are being reported. Unless there are new strategies for relief, the rise could be higher than now by the year 2011.

Hence, lenders are working daily to assist homeowners getting a reasonable solution for their debt back-payment. In addition, the Feds lowered the rates to 4% making this the most opportune time while mortgage refinances rates low as 4%.

What is the #1 mistake that almost every one does?

In the context of mortgage refinance with bad credit, when interest climbs and homeowners are approved for loans that cannot pay back with their income, a bad cycle begins. Certain lenders took advantage of the system of mortgage refinances options and pushed approvals for unqualified applicants and this is the last thing you should do. You will never be out of your debt.

OK, but how to optimally avoid this mistake?

The best advice comes from the FEDs is telling us to keep monthly payments within one quarter of your annual income. I.e. 25% of your income should be your monthly installment and not higher. Otherwise, you will not be able to payback and the dead-end starts by having to pay more than 50% of your income as monthly installments.

How and where should you control all the reports?

Three important Bureaus hold all the financial reports. Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. It is strongly recommended to get a free report for yourself from each agency. In case you experience "bad credit reports" post a reply as soon as possible to mention your reasons. The report may read; "poor credit personal loan", or "stopped paying on amount due".

Here is your road map to become debt free!

If you are at a disadvantage because of your low score financial history, you can work to change this problem.

  • You can keep your visa cards because the more you have the better. Lenders will look at your buying limits with each card and base value on this ratio.

  • Take several of your debts to put on a personal loan for debt consolidation and pay only one installment a month.
Finally, keep this advise into account!

It is not a good idea to owe more on your home than the value you are backed into a corner. If you are forced somehow to sell, you will definitely lose money. It is not reasonable that you will be able to keep up with the taxes, insurance and payments. This is why a mortgage refinance with bad credit program was formulated for the homeowner.

Are you interested to uncover a revolutionary method to get for you poor credit loans? Good news for you! Take the time now to reveal all the hidden tips and methods For FREE at: => http://www.your-online-info.com/finance/.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Bad Credit - Mortgage Loans For Credit Defaulters

So what you have missed making multiple monthly payments, you do not have to miss opportunities of financing property purchase with a bad-credit status. To arrange a home loan you are not necessary to maintain a good credit status with myriad mortgage bad credit loans being available. If you seek a 100% financing mortgage loan, have no worries. Various sub prime lenders have designed similar mortgage refinancing packages for borrowers shouldering pressure of bad credit score. They will offer you zero down payment or 100% financing mortgage loan by accepting your poor credit reports. Different zero down payment loans are devised with different loan criteria. Before you are ready to apply, make sure you are familiar to these concepts.

Different Types of Mortgage Financing For Bad-Credit

Mortgage bad credit loans with 100% financing assistance as the name suggests provides borrowers absolute financing at your property purchase. People who are willing to avail zero down payments have one more option other than this 100% financing packages. 80/20 is another mortgage finance option open to people with bad credit score. With an 80/20 bad-credit mortgage loan, two lenders share total amount needs to be financed. Either both the portions of the loan amount will be provided by a single lender or the seller of the property acts as another lender to bear 20% of the mortgage amount. No private mortgage insurance is involved in such zero down payment bad credit mortgage loan.

Features of Zero down Payment Mortgage Loan

Though most of the consumers prefer a 100% financing zero down payment mortgage bad credit loan, but, an 80/20 loan is easily available. Because a single lender deals in 100% financing loan and thus easy to deal with, so this type of loans are mostly sought after by consumers. On the other hand, though an 80/20 financing is more common than 100%, but consumers need to negotiate especially when the seller of the property is involved.

Loan requirements of Bad-Credit Zero Down Payment Mortgage Loan

Loan requirements widely vary from one lender to another. However, what is commonly asked by most lenders are bankruptcies or foreclosures occurred one year before loan request. If your credit score equals 600 or more with huge cash reserves you are likely to get qualified quickly. Lenders of 80/20 financing packages claim their customers to maintain credit score of 560.

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วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Loan Application Denied?

Having your mortgage application denied can be a humiliating experience. The first step to having your application approved is not to take the denial personally and correct whatever problems you have. Here is all you need to get started.

Understanding why your mortgage application was denied is important to correcting the problem. Talk to the lender and find out exactly why the loan was denied. Here are several common reasons for mortgage application rejection.

Your Loan-to-Value Ratio on the Property is Too High

If the loan-to-value ratio of the property is not right the lender will deny your mortgage application. If this happens it means you are trying to borrow is too close to the amount your property was valued at appraisal. Mortgage lenders have thresholds that loan-to-value ratios must fall into for approval. To be approved you may need to borrow less; one way to do this is to increase your down payment amount.

Insufficient Down Payment

Many traditional mortgage lenders require at least a 20% down payment. If you do not have this much you may not qualify for traditional financing. If this is the case you will need to secure the necessary down payment to qualify. An alternative is to seek a lender that will approve 100% financing or grant you a piggyback mortgage for the down payment.

Income too Low

Many lenders will deny your application if the payment amount is greater than 28 percent of your monthly income. If your total monthly debt obligation is greater than 36 percent of your monthly income your application could be denied. If this is the case you need to pay down your debt as much as possible in order to be approved.

Bad Credit

If your credit score is too low to be approved there are steps you can take to improve it. Your credit score is based on a number of factors in your credit reports. Your repayment history is one such factor. By improving your record of on-time payments for at least six months you will improve your credit score.

Reducing your debt-to-income ratio will also improve your credit score. Pay down the balances on your credit cards and close the accounts if possible.

Finally, make sure your credit reports are accurate. You will need to request records from each of the three credit reporting agencies and scrutinize these reports for errors. Each agency has their own procedure for disputing errors; if you find errors in your credit reports dispute these errors before you start reapplying for a mortgage.

To learn more about the mistakes homeowners make when applying for a mortgage that lead to denial, sign up for a free mortgage guidebook.

To get your free mortgage guidebook visit RefiAdvisor.com using the link below.

Tucson Mortgage Refinance

Louie Latour has twenty years of experience in the mortgage industry as a mortgage broker. He is the owner of Mortgages Refinance Advisor, a mortgage help site devoted to saving homeowners money with a free guidebook Mortgage Refinance: What You Need to Know.

Sign up for your free guide today at: http://www.refiadvisor.com

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วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Pay Off a Mortgage Fast

Probably the longest commitment we ever make in our lifetimes is the 30 years we commit to a mortgage. There isn't too much we can count on having after 30 years, but unless we sell our houses or hit the lottery, we can be sure we will be paying off our mortgages for a long time!

Imagine how nice it would be to be mortgage free! It would, in many cases be like getting a $1,800 a month raise. It doesn't seem possible anyone would have any kind of financial difficulty if he didn't have a mortgage hanging around his neck. You could buy just about anything and go just about anywhere without needing to prepare your budget around that monthly mortgage payment.

In this article, we will explain how to pay off your mortgage in double, triple and even faster time! Oh, it won't necessarily be easy, but it can be done. It has been said a person can do anything with motivation and a plan. So, here's the plan.

Check your interest rate

If you are paying over the market rate on interest it may behoove you to refinance to the lowest rate you can get. Here's why:

A $250,000 mortgage at 8% for 30 years comes with a monthly payment due of $1,834.41. Looking at an amortization schedule for this mortgage we find on the first payment, the principal being paid is $167.74.

A $250,000 mortgage at 6% for 30 years comes with a monthly payment of $1.498.88. Its amortization schedule shows the first payment's principal portion is $248.88. Why is this important? Because you want to pay off as much principal as possible while paying as little interest as possible.

The early months are the most important ones

With the 8% mortgage, as we have noted the first monthly principal payment is $167.74. The principal portion of the payment increases slightly with each payment. So, for payment number 6, the principal paid is $173.41. If we add the principal payments for payments 2 through 6 together we get $855.64, and if we add this amount to our first payment, we will have paid the first 6 payments of our mortgage.

If we keep adding $850 to $1,000 to our payment every month for the next 6 months, we would have paid off the first 6 years already!

As you can see, the early months are important in getting a good start to paying off a mortgage early. This is because in these months, the interest, which is time value, is expensive. So, by not using that time we save a lot of money.

Double time and then some

Now let's see what would happen if we doubled the payment every month. The payment due monthly is $1,843.41. If we paid $3,646.81 monthly, we would be paid in full in 7 years and 7 months. Now that's quick!

Here's why it's important to get as low an interest rate as you can. If you had a 6% interest rate on the same amount for 30 years, the monthly payment would be $1,498.88. With this loan, if we paid a total of $3,646.81 monthly, we would be paid in full in exactly 7 years. So, we would save an extra 7 times $1,498.88 or $10,492.16.

Who's got that kind of money?

Of course, coming up with an extra $2,000 a month is a bit much, but this is the kind of money it takes to pay off a mortgage in a lightning quick mode. So, to get a more realistic goal, here's what to do.

Look at the mortgage's amortization table and scan down to the halfway point. This would be payment number 180 on a 30-year mortgage. Take note of the principal portion of this payment. On the 6% mortgage we have been talking about, it is $607.73. If you pay this amount in addition to each of your monthly payments, you will have paid off the mortgage in full in exactly 15 years.

Again, sometimes coming up with additional payments is difficult, but this method gives you an idea of how making relatively small additional payments can help you pay off your mortgage way ahead of schedule.

Author, Ed Lathrop has developed EZ Calculator, which is an online financial calculator that shows you how to save $100,000 on your mortgage and "How To Pay Off Your Credit Car Debt Quick." Plus many more calculators that are aimed at helping people get their finances in order! Come visit this free Website at: Free Financial Calculator. Also get a free amortization schedule or as many free amortization schedules as you want at: Amortization Schedules Free

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วันจันทร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Does a Mortgage Broker Do?

A mortgage broker is a good person to turn to when shopping for a home loan. These individuals have connections with various lenders and can help you determine which lender has the best loan deal for you. Unlike a loan officer, a mortgage broker usually does not work directly for any one lender. This means that you can shop the competition with the help of your broker much easier.

If you are considering using a mortgage broker, you are probably wondering how that individual will be paid. You do not want to pay more for your mortgage to cover the commissions from the broker. Using a broker does not end up costing you more. The broker is paid by the bank, not the borrower. If a broker is charging you an upfront fee, find a different broker. The bank will pay the broker a small percentage of the entire mortgage amount.

A mortgage broker is particularly helpful if you are searching for a specialized mortgage product, such as a bad credit mortgage or a mortgage for most of the home's value. Because brokers have inside knowledge of the industry, they can help you avoid constant rejections from lenders that do not offer the services that you need.

Working with a mortgage broker will save you time and frustration as you shop for your next home loan. The broker does all of the work for you. You do not have to approach lender after lender. Rather, the broker will scour all of the current offerings and find the best deal for your needs. You will not have to fill in application after application. You simply fill in one application with the broker, and possibly one with your chosen lender. In the end you will have an excellent loan that fits your needs perfectly!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Rates Are Always Changing

Mortgage rates are always changing. This chicken feed money mortgage rates is affected by several factors. One above means that affects the dynamics of mortgage rates is accession. Burgeoning is characterized by a booming economy and an optimization predominance the prices of goods and other merchandise. When the economy is muscular, prices of goods and services rise, signaling the rise of real estate prices, apartment rents, and mortgage rates for great.

When mortgage rates are aerial, then naturally demands for mortgages and loans slow down. To avoid this generous of eventuality, the Public Reserve Bureau often lowers down sympathy rates. This vim will originate accretion to reduce, the economy to slow down, and mortgage rates to fall. Therefrom, hereafter, the dynamics of mortgage rates is these days affected by the rise and fall of enthusiasm rates.

But despite the proclivity of mortgage rates to go after the direction importance rates are enchanting, slick are further several other factors that sway mortgage rates. Mortgage rates base their movement on the supply and demand for mortgages and loans. And considering the supply and demand ratio of mortgage rates slightly deviates from that of other rates, mortgage rates cherish to modification differently when occasions arise.

For instance, a lender has a certain quota credit the amount of mortgages he can close impact one life span. In an achievement to distance that allocation, he would keep to lower down the mortgage rates of his products esteem form to attract another buyers. Leveled though the marketplace suggests that mortgage rates should sell for huge, lowering down his mortgage rates will lift him negotiate his goal. This is numerous street of attractive the movement of mortgage rates.

Mortgage rates differ not tell the type of loan a buyer chooses. A fixed rate mortgage repeatedly has higher a mortgage rate when compared o the mortgage rate of an versatile rate mortgage. The adjustable rate ortgage repeatedly has a simple low mortgage rate on its initial space ut later that, the mortgage rates would depend on the changes on the mortgage company's prime rate.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Current Mortgage Rate Predictions

Making mortgage rates predictions is a little tricky. Financial markets, including those which set share prices and mortgage interest rates, are chaotic systems. This is not to say they are chaotic in the common usage of the term, meaning something with no order to it at all, but they are chaotic in the mathematical sense, in that the formulas which describe how mortgage interest rates are determined, which are the formulas used to make mortgage rates predictions, have self-referential components.

Making mortgage interest rates predictions is like making weather predictions - it is impossible to be precisely accurate with mortgage interest rates predictions, and the further in advance you try to predict mortgage interest rates, the greater the margin of error in the prediction.

On the other hand, chaotic systems are predictable in broad terms.

If you think about predicting the weather, you may not be able to predict the top temperature for a given day in August, but you can reasonably sure it will be within a certain range - say, if you live in Orlando, between 80 and 95 degrees F, and if you live in Copenhagen, between 16 and 25 degrees C.

Just as climate gives a broad indicator of summer top temperatures, economic climate gives a broad indicator of mortgage interest rates.

Factors Which Make Mortgage Rates Rise: Inflation

So called "real interest rates", the interest rates which move in response to supply and demand in the financial markets, are independent of inflation. To get from the "real interest rate" to the "nominal interest rate", which is what your bank will charge you for your mortgage, you simply add on the annualised percentage rate of inflation.

Factors Which Make Mortgage Rates Rise: Reduced Availability Of Credit

Financial markets operate on supply and demand. If there is a limited supply of anything, then it will go to those who are willing or able to pay more for it. The same is true of mortgage money. Mortgage rates predictions will take into account whether the supply of money is increasing or decreasing, and likewise, the trends in demand for money.

Factors Which Make Mortgage Rates Predictions Rise: Increased Risk

Apart from the underlying real interest rate determined by the broader economy, the rate of inflation, and the supply of money available for mortgage lending, there is another factor which comes into play in any investment decision - risk. Mortgage rates in general will depend on the overall risk involved in the housing market.

If house values plummet, as they have in some parts of the US, then the default risk for the banks suddenly increases, which means that they will be wanting to charge higher mortgage interest rates; predictions will take this upward pressure into account.

Factors Which Make Mortgage Rates Predictions Fall: Government Intervention

The US Government is an 800-pound gorilla in the financial markets. By issuing Treasury bonds at different interest rates, the government can influence the overall market for money, and thus affect the "real" interest rate.

Mortgage rates predictions based on purely economic considerations might indicate that mortgage interest rates are due to rise, but while the political pressure is running high, and in an election year, the government will do everything in its power, however economically irresponsible in the long term, to push the interest rate rises off until after the November elections. Mortgage rates predictions must take this political distortion of the financial markets into account.

Today's Mortgage Rates

Mortgage Rates Predictions

Mark Bennett is a staff writer for MoneyTalks.com, and contributes regularly to other financial sites.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Bank of America Mortgage Modification Help - DIY Tips & Guidance on Bank of America Mortgage

Bank of America has come up with mortgage modification help programs for those who are on default with the payments of their existing loan with bank of America. Bank is offering this help to all its worried customers who want to keep their homes. Mortgage modification means restructuring of the current loan with some smooth terms in favour of both the bank and the customer.

This help is not for every customer of the bank. Bank of America has set some specific guidelines for meeting the eligibility criteria and you need to adhere to them before applying. One can now choose fro the flexible plans offered by the bank and can easily repay the new with increased tenures and lower interest rates.

DIY tips and guidance on bank of America mortgage approval process:

· Call up Bank's loan mitigation department and ask them to send you an application form online. Fill up the form properly without leaving any column unattended. Applications filled online are processed and checked quickly.

· Gather all the documents required for processing the case and submit a complete file. Your file must include your income and expense documents, Bank statements, card statements, debt summaries if any and miscellaneous expense sheet. You will only delay the approval process if you submit incomplete file.

· Bank of America will only give you mortgage modification if you are able to convince the bank that you have actually suffered from financial hardship. So, prepare one acceptable hardship letter mentioning the causes and steps taken to cure your hardship. You must also mention your interest in keeping the home ownership in the letter.

· Do not provide any fake information to Bank of America. Remember that all the information provided by you is going to be checked and verified by professionals and so every document and information should be genuine.

· You need to keep a strong follow up on the status of your case. Call up bank of America and ask about your case regularly.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Rates Forecast

Any mortgage rates forecast must take into account the fall-out from the sub-prime crisis - now poorly named, because the rot has spread from the high-risk sub-prime sector to even the prime mortgages underwritten By Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

There are several ways in which the sub-prime crisis affects mortgage rates forecasts.

1. Each Mortgage Rates Forecast Rises Due To Increasing Risk

When house prices plummet as a result of forced sales, it makes mortgage lending in general more risky. Even a 20% deposit has not been enough to prevent some home owners from defaulting on their mortgages and being unable to sell for a high enough price to cover the loan. Mortgages classified as "prime" are now showing up as losses on the books of some banks. The investor's response to increased risk is always to require a higher return - in this case, a higher return means a higher interest rate on mortgages. Interest rate predictions must be for higher interest rates as a result of the mess in the residential real estate markets across the country.

2. Any Mortgage Rates Forecast Rises Due To Falling Supply And Rising Demand

Mortgage interest rates, like all retail interest rates, depend on the general interest rate in the wider economy - the rate at which banks and other financial institutions can borrow funds. This is usually benchmarked by the 90 day bank bill rate. Generally, lenders only have 10% of the funds they lend out as mortgages in deposits - the rest is borrowed. This is why having too many defaults on mortgages can get a bank into big trouble - they can no longer afford to pay their own debts then!

The sub-prime crisis greatly reduced the willingness of other organizations with money to lend it to banks for the purpose of mortgages. This means that the supply of credit has markedly reduced. A low supply and a steady demand will always cause prices to rise, and in this case, the price of money is the interest rate.

The credit squeeze is putting upward pressure on the mortgage rates forecast, and all interest rates in general.

3 Our Mortgage Rates Forecast Rises Due To The Falling US Dollar

As a result of the sub-prime crisis, ant its spread to the prime mortgage market, the entire US financial system is regarded by the rest of the world as unstable. This is resulting in a flight of mobile capital from the US. The only way to entice this capital to remain in the US, and thus halt the slide in the US dollar, is to pay a higher return, which means having a higher general interest rate within the US, including for mortgages.

The government bail-out of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, while necessary to stabilize the property market within the US, will further erode the confidence of international money managers in the US economy, putting further downward pressure on the US dollar.

Until the US dollar stabilizes, there will be significant upward pressure on any mortgage rate forecast, and interest rates in general.

While some are still arguing about the causes of the sub-prime crisis, there is no doubt that its effects are significant and far-reaching. The instability of property prices, the credit crunch, and the loss of confidence in the greenback will take several years to restore to what was previously considered "normal" - and there is a very real possibility that we will never see the US dollar as strong on the global stage again.

For this period, possibly up to a decade in length, the mortgage rates forecast is in one direction only - upward. If you can, fix your mortgage now for 30 years, because you may not see mortgage interest rates this low again for decades.

Mortgage Rates Forecast

Today's Mortgage Rates

Home owners in the US must take stock at this point in time, and ensure they are well-placed to survive an extended period of higher interest rates. Fixing mortgage interest payments at these historically low rates for a 30 year period may well be the best financial decision a home owner could make.

Mark Bennett is a staff writer for Money Talks, and contributes regularly to other financial sites. This article is part of his series on refinancing, which can be seen at EmergencyRefinancing.com

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วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Private Mortgage Investors - Who Are They?

To understand who private mortgage investors are, it is first necessary to understand what a private mortgage is. A private mortgage is a legal agreement, secured by real property, between a borrower and a private lender that obligates the borrower to pay money to the holder of the mortgage note. A private mortgage therefore produces a regular stream of income to the private mortgage investor with all the advantages and protections that a mortgage lien can provide.

Typically, private mortgage investors can charge more interest and points (fees) on a private mortgage than a bank could because the risk of lending to people who aren't eligible for normal mortgages is far greater. Quite often private mortgage investors lend to people with less than perfect credit, but they may also lend to real estate investors irrespective of credit.

Traditionally, private mortgage investors were individuals who had sold their property and agreed to take back a promissory note and a mortgage from the buyer. The advantages to the seller were threefold. Firstly, by offering such terms, the homeowner was more likely to sell their property in a slow market and obtain the full asking price. Secondly, the seller would be a guaranteed a regular fixed income at a better rate than could be obtained from investing in a CD. Thirdly, if the buyer defaulted, then the owner would be entitled to foreclose on the property, just as if he or she were a bank. The benefit to the buyer of private mortgage finance is that they don't have to worry about an extensive check on their credit or financial situation.

More recently, private mortgage investors have branched out into other areas of real estate financing. Some private mortgage investors specialize in lending money to professional real estate investors for the purchase and rehab of residential and commercial property. Others specialize in the making private mortgage loans to small real estate developers for the purchase of raw land and the initial construction finance. There are even some private mortgage investors who will lend to homeowners facing foreclosure or provide second mortgage financing, similar to a Home Equity Line of Credit.

Such has been the growth in private mortgage lending that there are now companies offering private mortgage investment services in the USA. Typically, these companies will either advertise individual mortgages for "purchase" by an investor, or syndicate a hard money loan amongst a group of private mortgage investors on their mailing list, or offer shares in a private mortgage investment fund.

Lastly, but by no means least, there are private mortgage investors who specialize in buying private mortgages at a discount, i.e. less than the principal amount outstanding. These investors provide an important role in creating liquidity in what would otherwise be an illiquid market. The main disadvantage of being a private mortgage holder is that you must wait for the loan to be repaid before you can access your capital. If an investor can't wait that long, then they will need to find a way of selling the mortgage to a third party and this is where this last type of private mortgage investor come into their own.

Peter Haynes is a General Partner of Premiafund LLC, a private mortgage investment fund and a part-time real estate investor living in Florida. Find out more about private mortgage investors at premiafundDOTcom

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Protection Policies

Regardless of the volume of information you are getting, one thing that you do need to pay attention to is whether you should take out a mortgage protection insurance policy or not. It is, indeed, an extra cost on top of what can already be very expensive. On the other hand, it is a potentially important addition to your mortgage that you should pay much more attention to.

If you're still unsure as to whether or not you need to take out a mortgage protection policy, think of the 25 years or so ahead of you. You may have unforeseen events happen to you that mortgage protection insurance will be very helpful with. Let's have a look at what mortgage protection insurance is and what it can do for you.

What Is a Mortgage Protection Policy?

A mortgage protection policy is an insurance policy that protects your home mortgage payments if you should happen to have financial hardship, whether it's because of illness or accident, or loss of a job. Mortgage protection insurance pays your monthly payment on your house in the event any of these things happen to you.

What policy should you get? It depends on what payments you want made for you and how long you want and need them. Normally, you can rely on a mortgage protection policy's coverage for 12 months, although this is dependent on both the policy and on your circumstances.

The types of cover available to you are:

  • Cover for unemployment and incapacity: This gives you the fullest protection available and covers illness and accident, as well as loss of your job.

  • Cover for just unemployment: This type of cover will only cover you in the event you lose your job.

  • Cover for just incapacity: This type of cover will just cover you for illness or accident that prevents you from working.

Why Should You Have a Mortgage Protection Policy?

You can't predict the future, especially 25 years ahead. This is the average length of a mortgage available in the UK today. You can have an illness or a major accident; in addition, as we know, there is no such thing as "lifetime employment" anymore, so it's much more likely today that you can lose your job on short notice. This makes mortgage protection insurance even more important. The next important decision you have to make is to decide which type you want. Unless you are self-employed, it's the most prudent choice to go with a policy covering both unemployment and incapacity.

Free MPPI Information

You find out about UK Mortgage Protection Policies by contacting British Insurance Ltd at their web site.
In addition, online MPPI applications can be made at http://www.uk-mortgage-protection.com.

Choosing the right Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance is not difficult, but it is best to be armed with the correct facts. If you would like to learn more about MPPI, then there are 3 ebooks that you can download for free. The books are:
  1. A guide to age related mortgage payment protection insurance
  2. What to do when you can't meet your mortgage payments
  3. ASU a guide to accident sickness and unemployment

In today's unstable employment world, mortgage payment protection is an insurance you should consider to be a necessity, not a luxury.

You can download these free ebooks here.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Elimination- A Horrible and Sure Way to Lose Your Home to Foreclosure

“Own your home free and clear in 3 to 4 months. Note paid in full!”

How does this statement sound to you? Does it bring out a sentiment of grand larceny or does it peek your interest as a means to quickly and legally increase your personal net worth? Would it be moral to cancel a debt you made in such an easy and unfathomable manner? Most importantly, if you were behind on your mortgage would you pay someone $3,000 to perform this elimination service for you?

Unfortunately, the answer for many homeowners is "Yes". The statement used above is an actual sales line from a website that promotes mortgage elimination. The Better Business Bureau has issued a national fraud alert for this type of program that is sweeping the nation by way of the internet.

The purpose of this article is to give my opinion to the public as a leading loss mitigation expert that has counseled thousands of homeowners in foreclosure. I have also been contacted by many homeowners from across the nation that are in foreclosure or who have already lost homes due to the failure of this process. These people have been permanently harmed and they will have to vacate the property voluntarily or they will be forced to move by armed policeman.

I freely admit that I am biased towards the use of loss mitigation options as a proven means to help homeowners behind on their mortgages. These are the consumers who are the most vulnerable and are most likely to see this program as the ideal way to solve their delinquency. They may see themselves as victims of a monetary and banking system that has taken advantage of our ignorance to perpetrate a fraud against them. If the money was never owed, then why are they struggling to make payments? Mortgage elimination has a tremendous appeal of justice and truth when presented in this manner.

Coming back to reality- the diehard believers in the program are usually awakened to the fact that the bank sees it differently by a foreclosure or eviction notice. The bank has more resources and will win the legal fight. The guns and muscles of the local Sheriff will forcibly evict tenants from the property.

In fact, a District Court judge located in California has thrown out 15 cases filed against lenders under this elimination legal theory in 2004. Summarizing the court decision, Judge William Alsup stated that the mortgage elimination program was “an elaborate Internet Scam.” He also ordered a copy of his ruling be sent to the U.S. Attorney “because of the possibility of mail fraud and wire fraud to further an internet scam.” (Go to www.sacbee.com to see this story).

The attorney that brought the law suits on behalf of the elimination company was fined $10,000 for filing a frivolous law suit and the company was required to pay $77,000 in attorney fees on behalf of the lenders named in the suit.

The Court has spoken loud and clear at least 15 times on this issue. Mortgage elimination will not work and is not an acceptable legal theory to justify not repaying your mortgage obligation. The conspiracy theory by the Federal Reserve to allow bankers to create money does not constitute legal grounds for you to opt out of a debt that you voluntarily entered into. A jury, responsible for their own mortgage payments, would never allow you to get away with not paying your mortgage.

Those homeowners that are behind on the mortgage and or looking for help should contact a loss mitigation specialist/housing counselor that is experienced in presenting work out solutions to mortgage lenders. Traditional financial principles of budgeting, prioritization and crisis management have a stellar track record of stopping foreclosure and bankruptcy and they will work for you as well. You can obtain a Free copy of the book, How to Save Your Home, by visiting www.syhuniversity.com

Those homeowners already involved with a mortgage elimination program should make the decision right away whether they want to save their homes or become a martyr for the mortgage elimination crusade. If you decide to save the home, you must contact an attorney and a loss mitigation specialist to help you with this matter. There are serious title issues if you have deeded the property out of your name into a trust or other instrument. You will need a real estate attorney to advise you on this matter.

The good news is that the mortgage company does not want your home and will help you if you make the right decisions.

Herbert Addison, JD is a former consumer law attorney and is President of Save Your Home, Inc., a nationally acclaimed loss mitigation firm located in Columbia, South Carolina. Mr. Addison is co-author of the book, How to Save Your Home, that teaches homeowners how to properly negotiate foreclosure alternatives with mortgage lenders. He has been published in Service Management, the leading magazine to the default management and servicing industry and is a professional speaker. He can be reached at 877-212-1880. His websites include http://www.syhuniversity.com; http://www.saveyourhome.info and http://www.contacttheexpert.com Email: taddison@saveyourhome.info.

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